At the Burrow

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Harry P.O.V
After Ginny sits next to me I just keep smiling at her.

"Why are you smiling so much Harry" Ginny asks

"Because I'm happy your safe" I say while putting a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm happy your safe too" she says while blushing. "I screamed when I thought you died"

"I heard, you know what when I was heading into the forest to turn myself in I saw you comfortingly a girl on the battlefield, I just wanted to tell you I was there and it was ok, but I didn't think I would have continued into the forest if I had" I say sadly " I really wanted to"

"It's ok, I understand, you did save the world anyways " she says quietly.

"I've been so worried about you while I've been away, I watched you every night through the Marauders Map, I even thought of you when I thought I was about to die, I-" I'm cut of by Ginny kissing me.

"What was that for?" I asked her confused.

"For pouring out your heart to me silly" she giggled.

"I love you Ginny" I said while looking at her.

"Harry, I love you too" she says happily.

She flings her arms around my neck and kisses me again.

Ginny P.O.V

"What the bloody hell is this" Ron yells.

Harry and I jump back from each other.

"Harry what the bloody hell were you doing to my sister?" Ron yells

"He was kissing me Ronald" I say angrily.

"What the bloody hell for?" Ron yells angrily.

"Because he loves me you idiot and I love him" I yell at Ron with fury.

"Ron leave them alone for Merlins sake" Hermione says "Leave them be".

"Fine" Ron groans and leaves the room with Hermione.

"Sorry about Ron, Harry" I say to Harry.

"It's ok Ginny I've had to deal with him for 7 years" he laughs.

Harry P.O.V
After Hermione got Ron to leave us alone Ginny and I talked for a while. Finally I ask her the question I was wanting to ask her so badly.

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