After the battle

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Harry P.O.V

Shortly after I fix my wand I head back to the great hall with Ron and Hermione, who were holding each other's hands. As I walked into the great hall I am overwhelmed with sadness, even though I had seen a majority of the bodies already I'm still taken aback. Then I see Ginny and have a slight feeling of happiness seeing her safe from harm.

Ginny P.O.V

After the battle I go and sit in the great hall with my family and I lean on Mum's shoulder. I am relieved that the battle is over but I am worried sick about Harry. I sit there with Mum for a few minutes longer until I notice Harry walk into the room. She noticed that I saw him and let's me to go see him. I rush up to him and hug him.

"Hi Harry" I say quietly.

"Hi Ginny" he replies.

He begins to softly cry into my shoulder.

"Harry what's wrong" I ask worriedly.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened" he says while crying softly into my shoulder. "It's all my fault"

"Harry it's ok" I say hoping to reassure him "its not your fault".

Harry P.O.V
Just as I notice Ginny she runs up to me and hugs me.

"Hi Harry" she says quietly.

"Hi Ginny" I reply back.

I looked over at where the rest of the Weasleys sit, it makes me remember Fred and all the others that have died for me and I start to cry into Ginny's shoulder.

"Harry what's wrong" Ginny asks.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened" I say while crying softly on her shoulder "its all my fault"

"Harry it's ok" she says reassuring me slightly "it's not your fault"

Ginny P.O.V 

Shortly after the hug me Harry shared we all headed home. We have some
dinner and go and sit in the living room and we all talked. Eventually everyone gets tired and start heading to bed until its just me and Harry left in the living room. I go and sit on the couch next to him. When I sit next to him he gives me a small smile, I smile back.

Hinny after the WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora