All boys said ok and was going to their mate but Ryan and Frank was standing there.

Mg:Why you guys are not going to your mates like them same applies to you go and marry them.

Ryan & Frank:But they are still not major goddess.

Mg:Their age is 17 right in our clan when someone becomes 16 itself they are major so go and Ryan she is the co-angel if you not marry her right now she can release other angels from their marriage bond because she has that power.

Chris:Ryan come na don't hesitate now if Pavithra release us we can't again marry them come right now.

Ryan:But goddess Pavithra doesn't no na she can do that so there will be no problem right.

Mg:When she wakes up she will come to no what all powers she have even swetha also will no so if you don't marry now you can't marry her again.

Ryan:Ok I will marry her now come Frank with that they also went towards their mate.

All the boys married their mate and marked them by their clans customs and got blessings from moon goddess.

Mg:From now you all should be strong because you have to face their wrath and try to stop angels from meeting each other unnecessarily or they can plan something and make your life hell happy married life with that I went.

All boys are tensed now and waiting for them to come to there senses swetha was the one to come concious first all of them are looking at her.

Swetha:Aarrgg what happened to me why I am feeling like I have hit my whole body somewhere then I looked where I am what I am doing in Forest at that time I looked at Chris and Ryan hey why we three are here help me to stand up Chris helped me but he was very nervous what happened to me Chris with that I remembered everything and looked at Chris where is your brother.

Chris:I was tensed till now swetha doesn't no she is married and I pointed Dani when swetha asked me.

Swetha:You mister how dare you touch me with that I was storming towards him but suddenly I felt some powers within me because when I walked towards him he was drenched with water what happened to me at that time I saw a vision after I fainted what happened to me,where is my friends I asked him and turned and saw everyone fainted.

Dani:Aarrgg this girl should control her powers again I am drenched in water.

Swetha:Bans,Varuna,Dhivya,gayu,Pavithra,keerthana what happened to you guys wake up I said but they are still unconscious I moved towards the boys and looked at Chris and Ryan and said you guys I believed you I helped you all to get your love but why are you helping Dani I no he is your alpha Chris and Ryan I no you are a vampire but before submitting to him do you guys thought I am your bestie if anything happens to them I will kill you guys.

All boys were shocked how swetha knows everything.

Swetha:Because they stand to help me doesn't make you guys to take advantage of us I am the head angel don't forget that.

Chris & ryan:How do you no what happened afterwards swetha.

Swetha:I have all angels power and me and Pavithra together can become invisible and change our appearence I can teleport myself and see visions. And Chris and Ryan I will not forgive you both here after don't come near me and Mr.dani you will face he'll for forcing me.

All boys were shocked and thought when swetha can see visions why she didn't realise till now she is married.

Dani:Guys don't tell her let her no herself and I will show her what place she holds in my life.

Swetha:I concentrated on my power and with our angels wings i was flying in the air and I collected more water and splashed on everyone.

Boys were looking everything carefully.

Swetha: I immediately came down girls are you all ok.

All girls shouted looking at swetha and started crying and apologized to her.

Swetha:Why are you girls asking me sorry.

Pavi:Akka I said and went near her I am your Co-Head angel Akka I also have all angels power together we both can become invisible and change our appearence and I have control over all glass items you look at yourself Akka with that I made a mirror and showed to Akka.

Swetha:Aaarrgg how I am married wait what is this mark and I went towards my vision and watched clearly and shouted nnnnnoooo Dani how dare you marry me girls all look at yourself all of them are married and we all have been marked.

Pavithra:Akka if I am not married.

Swetha:You can cancel our bond because now they all marked us and you are married we can't do that am I right.

Pavi:Yes akka.

With that all girls throwed daggers at them.

Dani:Now that you girls are married follow us.

All girls no we can't with their angel power they went inside their condo and locked all their doors and went to their rooms.

Boys broked the doors and went inside girls we also have some powers now come down but girls with all there powers attacked them and drawn a shield to safeguard them in the condo which boys can't break the shield.

Now how boys are going to tame their angels let's wait and watch..........

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