Chapter 9

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Ahn Jihyo's POV

Morning came, I marched to the university and was greeted by Minju happily. She seemed so excited about something as she was giggling from time to time.

"What happened to you? Are you sure you're fine?" I asked, puzzled and annoyed at the same time.

Minju was giddy over something I totally had no idea.

"The Graduation Ball is fast approaching!" She screamed.

"And you're more excited about the ball instead of the graduation ceremony?" I hissed.

Minju scoffed and glared at me afterwards.

"You know what, you're never getting any date on the ball!" She whined.

"I'm notㅡ" going anyway...

"I'm her date." A familiar voice spoke.

Minju and I both looked behind and saw Hyunjoon who was dead serious.

"What?" Minju and I reacted.

Hyunjoon placed his hand on my chin and lifted my head gently, allowing me to make eye contact with him.

"Princess, I said, I'll be your date on the Graduation Ball." He repeated.

I tried to find any hint of a joke in his voice and his sharp eyes, but found nothing. He was really serious.

I gulped hard, still looking at his to-die-for eyes.

"And you're not allowed to reject me. Wear something red on the ball." He then left me.

I stared into the unknown.

What just happened?

Minju seemed shocked as well, having her mouth shut for the entire commotion.

If Sunwoo didn't come, I think I'd be dazed forever.

"Did Hyunjoon do something to you... and to your friend?" He asked worriedly.

"He... Hyunjoon... just told me that I'm his date for the ball." I stuttered.

Sunwoo's lips thinned. Then, the bell rang.

"Even in today's time, he's taking you away from me." Sunwoo whispered.

His words were unclear, leaving me even confused.

932, Goryeo Dynasty

"I wanted to yell at him!" Jihyo exclaimed exasperatedly.

Sunwoo, who was her personal royal guard, was trying his best to calm her.

Jihyo later cried. All Sunwoo could do was to offer his shoulder. The crying Jihyo leaned on his shoulder and vented out everything.

The Young Majesty was really annoyed with the General's son, Hyunjoon. The latter was really persistent in teasing her.

"Princess." Sunwoo called.

"Don't call me Princess. It reminds me of Hyunjoon." Jihyo wailed.

Sunwoo snickered, then caressed Jihyo's hair. The Young Majesty calmed down a bit afterwards. She loved how Sunwoo cared for her.

"Jihyo, just let everything slide. Let me deal with Hyunjoon, okay?" Sunwoo said sincerely.

Jihyo's eyes looked up to Sunwoo, her head was still resting on Sunwoo's shoulder.

"Really?" She asked, innocence lingered on her voice.

The beautiful moon illuminated Sunwoo's face. He smiled genuinely at her that made her heart jump like it's about to explode.

She loved him.

Time went by, and her coming of age ceremony finally came. However, instead of a large banquet and festival, the very special day of the Young Majesty turned into havoc.

"Jihyo, you have to get out of the palace! Don't worry, I'll protect you at all costs." Sunwoo yelled.

He was panting heavily while pulling her out of the palace.

Her celebration was interrupted when deafening howl filled the town, followed by the ingression of vicious creatures ㅡ werewolves.

They were after her.

A lot of people died, including Jihyo's family. The reason she was still alive was because of Sunwoo who tried his best to protect her and the existence of the horrible oracle...

"The powerful lycan, Jihyo, will have an immortal life. As long as the moon exists, her life continues."

Jihyo couldn't believe that she was a lycan and that she will live forever. To have an immortal life was both a gift and a curse. However, in Jihyo's perspective, it was a plain curse... seeing everyone she loves die was the most painstaking than anything.

"Sunwoo, don't protect me! Don't die for me! I'm bound to live forever!" Jihyo shouted, tears falling.

Sunwoo was fighting all the wolves that would lunge at them using his bokken. Being loyal to his Young Majesty, to the love of his life, he fought with all his might. He managed to subdue the werewolves. Sunwoo held Jihyo's hand and pulled her away to the palace.

"Sunwoo... save yourself. I don't want you to die." Jihyo cried.

"Jihyo, I would gladly die for you." He spoke.

"Don't die for me... it's useless. I'd live, even if they succeed in taking me." She replied in between her sobs.

"And that's the last thing I want. I don't want them to take you." Sunwoo's grip on her hand loosened as he turned around to fight the wolves.

Sunwoo protected Jihyo until his last breath. However, the werewolves successfully pinned Sunwoo down, his bokken flew to Jihyo's direction.

Jihyo, on the other hand, had nothing to do but to watch the love of her life being devoured by the vicious wolves. She couldn't let Sunwoo die, was all she spoke to herself. She picked up Sunwoo's bokken and was about to attack the wolves when a strong grip to her arms stopped her, allowing her to see Hyunjoon who was covered with fresh wounds.

"Princess, let's go. I'll save you." Hyunjoon said firmly before pulling her away.

"Sunwoo..." She cried.

Before Sunwoo lost consciousness, he saw Jihyo and Hyunjoon's subtle figure. He coughed blood, all he thought was Hyunjoon was taking Jihyo away from him.

He died protecting her.

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