The one-Eyed Beast:

Start from the beginning

"Hey, are you alright over there?" Jeralt called out, Dimitri made a grunt in response. Dimitri heard Jeralt chuckle at his response "Well you might want to hurry" Jeralt said "Some villagers passed by a moment ago and told me that there are people who are trying to talk merchants into selling at the monastery" he added.

"So?" Dimitri replied, what relevance did that have with them needing to clear out the bandits that were there.

"Either someone already took the liberty of clearing out the monastery for us..." Jeralt said "or maybe they are luring unsuspecting merchants to their doom" he said, "Either way we need to check it out" he added.

"Fine" Dimitri grunted; he really did not want to go into town they fear him. Not that Dimitri wanted them to like him, it just grew obnoxious when the town folk stare and the children cried. Jeralt recommended smiling at them, but Dimitri failed to see how that might help, either way he did not feel like smiling.

As they made their way into town Jeralt stopped by the merchants to interrogate them on the people that were trying to sway them to Garreg Mach. Dimitri watched as Jeralt faked interest in one of the items, in order to lure the unsuspecting merchant into telling them information. "So, I heard a rumor around town that there were people trying to get merchants back at Garreg Mach" Jeralt said to the Merchant.

"Ah- yes, earlier three people came by and gave a spiel about Garreg Mach Monastery now being safe to conduct business" The merchant replied.

"Do you think that they were sincere?" Jeralt asked "Last I heard Garreg Mach was being run by bandits" he added.

"Yes, that is true" The merchant said "I think they were sincere, especially since the man he bore a cape that represented the Leicester Alliance " he added.

"What did the man look like?" Jeralt asked.

"Tan, Brown hair and green eyes. I think he said his name was Claude?" The merchant said.

Claude? What is he doing at the monastery Dimitri wondered?

Jeralt nodded, "And the other two?" he asked.

The merchant had a wide grin on his face, "They were the finest ladies I've seen around these parts" he said. Dimitri felt disgusted by the man's comment, it reminded him of Sylvain.

"Uhh, that's nice" Jeralt said while scratching his head "But what did they look like?" he asked.

"The first lady had long pink hair and pink eyes" The merchant said, "The second one had light green hair and green eyes" he said "Kind of reminded me of Lady Rhea" he added.

Dimitri's blood froze, Green hair and green eyes.

"Did you get their names?" Jeralt asked, Dimitri was certain he was thinking the same thing as he was.

"No, only the man introduced himself" The merchant said.

Dimitri walked up to the man and looked down at him "Did she have a strange looking blade" Dimitri demanded.

"I don't know I wasn't looking in that area, I'm more of a bre-" The merchant began to say before Dimitri lifted him off the ground by the hem of his shirt.

"Dimitri" Jeralt said in a warning tone.

"Where did they go" Dimitri hissed.

"I- I don't know" The merchant said "P-probably the monastery" he uttered. Dimitri released him and the man fell to the floor, he immediately began heading in the direction of the monastery.

"Kid" Jeralt shouted at him, Dimitri stopped and turned to him. "I understand your eagerness but you can't do that to villagers" he scolded, "If that is her, how do you think she would feel about you doing that" he added sternly.

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