칠 - 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

250 15 28

should I tell him?


Throughout class I was distracted. The thought from before popped up. Why did I think of kissing Renjun? And why was he so okay with me hugging him like that?

A poke in my side startled me out my head. Looking across, I saw Mark in his usual spot. It's just now dawning upon me that he's in the groupchat.

Oh my god Mark Lee is in the groupchat. LEE MINHYUNG IS IN OUR GROUPCHAT!

He probably saw the realisation and shock running across my face. Thanking the gods or whoever up above that I sat in the back, I turned to face him fully.

"You were out of it, dude,"  He said, an idle smile playing across his lips. He was cute, in a small, friendly type of way. Smiling back, I nodded a thank you and payed attention to the lesson.

Or tried to. At that moment, god decided it was a good idea to smite me, with Jaemin walking in, so he could talk to Mrs. Bang. He whispered something I couldn't hear from where I was sitting. Our teacher nodded and pointed in our direction, in which Jaemin started walking. 

He sat in the empty seat next to me, which happened to be the window seat; solidifying my belief of him being an anime protagonist. The light bounced off his skin giving it a soft glow. 

Another sharp poke got me paying attention again, and a snicker came from Mark. Mrs. Bang began talking, saying "Mr. Na is going to be taking a test in here, please refrain from being too loud," She pointed her gaze over to Felix and Jackson, who sat in the other corner. Both giggled and averted their eyes to avoid the call-out.

Soon enough, too soon for my liking, Jaemin got up and turned in his test and left. I said soon but in reality, we had five minutes before the bell rung and signaled the end of school.

Packing my things, Mark tapped me again and asked a simple question.

"Do you like Jaemin?"

Several images passed through my head; the day he found me colouring in my room, surrounded by stuffed animals. The way he said it's fine and that he wouldn't tell anyone. The time I saw him sitting on the steps at the town library, crying, saying that his parent kicked him out –the day that seemed so far away but was only a year ago. When we were driving around and he suddenly started saying he wanted to go home, for me to find out he was like me...

"I do." 

"I can tell," He paused, picking his bag up off the floor. "The way you look at him, it's like you never want him to leave. You're whipped." The boy continued as we walked out the class, headed to my locker.

"Well, I'm going to choir, have fun with Jaemin!" Mark said as I stopped at my locker, putting my books back and getting my bag. Giving a wave goodbye, I waited for Jaemin to come so we could head to his job. 

Finally arriving, he had his phone in his hands, looking down while texting someone; as he looked up from the device, I saw that he sported a small smile.

"Let's go, taxi man," He said seeing me just stand there looking at him.

All I do is stare at him, is he that dense? Probably, yeah...

Returning from my stupor, we went to my car and made our way to the barbecue restaurant where he worked. 


"Ah, shit," He said, after he changed into his work uniform. Although all he did was change his shirt to a black one and put on an apron, the difference was clear. "I need to get groceries after this-" He looked at me pleadingly. What was I going to do? Say no?

"We'll go after your shift," I responded with a smile.

He bounced excitedly before squealing out  "thank you's" and "I love you so much's". With that, he set himself behind the counter and waited for people to order.

영원히 - 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣| ℕ𝕠ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕄𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now