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Katsuki's POV

Hi or whatever. My names is Katsuki Bakugou. I'm a student at the uni 'Wolverhampton University' and, I had a pretty normal childhood. I had two twerps for parents. Broomstick, who was somehow and somewhat calm, and then the  old hag, who was like, never calm. Me and my 'cousin', Deku, have know each other since we were,,, I dont know, three? Four?? It doesn't matter.

Guess I should talk about my soulmate string or whatever. See, the thing is, it's red. And that means they're trans. And I'm fuckin' fine with that, but as a kid, I realized how bad they must be have been treated. Most people aren't as accepting as I'd wish they were. For example, take Tomosuki-fucking-Rinosha {first name that came to my mind}.

It was the nineteenth of the fourth, at 16:38. This was the worst fucking day I had ever lived.

Basically, me and shitty ass Deku are walking home together after me having football club, and him at the principals office to talk about something I dont actually remember. Then, out of fucking nowhere, this dipshit runs up to Deku, pushing him over and in result , Deku ends up on the sidewalk. I heard him yelp before I went to help him up. I'm almost at his height, (me reaching down) , before I'm tugged back. My hands quickly reached towards my head to make sure I protected it from the fall. Laughter spiralled around me, filling my head, and then, I feel a blow to the stomach. I stumble up, clenching onto my stomach, then I see it. It was on instinct. I should've been thinking more straight at the time, but I wasn't. The bastard had his group on Deku, and he kept jolting, yelping, squirming. Someone must have kicked him or something, cuz by the time my head had wrapped around the situation, a car turned the corner, coming fast, and before I knew it, I'm out...

I'm up. I had jolted up, and before I had even took in the air in the room, people swarmed around me. I pushed them away, but something grabbed my wrist. I turned to see what it was, well more like who it was, and there was Deku, tears pouring out of his green, puffy eyes. He sorta looked like he was saying something but... nothing was coming out of his mouth...
"...E- ... What..?" I mutter, or well, I think I did...
Deku starts weeping, grabbing onto my arm before making a pained expression. He backs up, clutching his head, before his eyes widen as he looks at something opposite him with wide eyes. That's when I start to take in the room I was in.
"Oi, Deku, where am I..?" I think I whisper. He turns his head before his mouth moves again, and I realize...

I'm deaf...


Heyyy sorry it took so long to post this, I have edits and such I need to work on, but dont sweat it! Sorry if it's on a cliffhanger, I am legit just winging it here-

Words: 520

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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