Chapter Nineteen

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"I believe Lady Kathryn should spend time in my daughter's household," Warwick called loud enough for Katy to hear. Katy did not move a muscle, knowing all eyes were now on her. "Isabel is now a duchess, Lady Kathryn could learn a great deal from her."

"Absolutely not," Richard spoke calmly. He gave no supporting information which seemed to shock Warwick.

"Richard, she has much to master. I have seen her..."

"It would be best to remember whom you speak to. Lady Kathryn is my ward and as such, I have control over her activities." Warwick stood silently, for he had not expected this from young Richard. "She will never serve Isabel as her lady. And she is already favorite to her Grace, the Queen."

"You mustn't let your personal desires cloud..."

"My personal desires? You honestly believe I put my desires before hers?" Richard raised his voice. "Perhaps, you should ask her," he huffed. Katy locked eyes with Lord Warwick, neither refusing to look away. Katy smiled confidently at the lord. She had risen in ranks at court on her own merit and had now become a well respected woman.

"Lady Kathryn is in the service of my wife and as a result cannot serve your daughter," Edward concurred. Katy could see the frustration in Richard's eyes as Edward whispered in his ear. "You overstep, cousin. Lady Kathryn is the future Duchess of Gloucester. As a result, Richard or myself have the final say in her placements." Warwick nodded quietly to Edward. He was out of his graces and Edward had no problem reminding him of that. Edward turned his attention to Katy, "You may continue, Katy." Katy lowered her head and continued her journey away from the chaos she felt would ensue.

"Lady Kathryn? The Queen requests your presence." Katy smiled and nodded, making her way to exact place she hoped to avoid. The large door opened and Elizabeth immediately sighed with relief.

"Your Grace," Katy curtseyed. Anne and Isabel looked back at her. Katy looked over them, doing as Richard recommended.

"Please come with me Katy." Elizabeth stood abruptly and walked with increasing speed. Katy trailed behind, giving room for Anne and Isabel to be behind her. Elizabeth took no notice and disregarded them. "Katy, I must ask- ah Richard!" She began. He bowed and smiled softly.

"I was coming to escort you to the feast, dear sister." Elizabeth sighed and laughed lightly.

"You are too kind, Richard." She took his hand. Richard did not look back at his childhood friends, he looked ahead or at the Queen. Music filled the great hall and Katy gazed at the Christmas decor. Elizabeth stopped and spoke with her brother. She sensed the Neville girls' anxiety as Anne ran to her father and Isabel sat with George. Katy curtseyed as Richard approached.

"Come with me," he whispered, walking past her without any eye contact. Katy scanned the hall and turned to follow him. She could not help but smile as she turned the corner and faced him.

"I do not have much time," she whispered into his shoulder as he held her. "The Queen is extremely unhappy with Lady Anne and Lady Isabel after her father's death." He stroked her hair softly and sighed. "I am sorry for them. My anger is not with them, it is their father. But the Queen simply cannot hide her disappointment."

"I must ask something of you to add onto your growing duties." Katy pulled away and cocked her head slightly. "Your mare is causing much trouble in the stables. Seems she is unhappy with her latest stablemate."

"You know better than I, she prefers Gawain in the pastures. She is rather stubborn."

"Except with you. You have a strong, yet soft way with her."

"I will check on her wellbeing," Katy grinned. "It would be too late for her to be in heat," Katy reasoned and exhaled forcefully. "I must return to my duties." Richard playfully touched the red and green velvet covering her arm.

"I rather like this," he commented.

"I am happy you do, as you supply me the means to have such a dress." He followed her arm up, traveling lightly over her neck, and quickly touched her lower lip. "I must return to her Grace."

"Will you do me the honor of a dance tonight?" Katy nodded and turned slightly red, though she was unsure why.

"Well if it isn't the two love birds!" George boasted, turning the corner. "Where is your chaperone, Lady Kathryn?" Katy looked to the side and stayed quiet. "It does not look like you are keeping true to your order. Do you go against the King's direct command?"

"We are betrothed, and she is still my ward," Richard defended. "There are private matters we must attend to."

"We would never go against the King, Lord Clarence," Katy spoke confidently. She thought her ears deceived her. How could George speak of her and Richard going against the King, when he himself had betrayed Edward.

"We are as good as married," Richard added moving towards George.

"Except in one way," George taunted. "As she is still a maid and untouched by you." He turned his attention to Katy, "Unless you are a true woman."

"I am a virgin," Katy announced to George. "Though I do not think you would believe me." Katy curtseyed to George as she walked by, "I must return to the Queen. I pray for a safe pregnancy for your wife, Lord Clarence. And that your child is a boy." George bowed and Katy left him and Richard in the corridor, running back to the hall. 

She was relieved to see she was not needed as Anne Lovell had taken up the duties. Katy watched George and Richard enter into the hall and Edward greet them both. Richard held his breath as he stormed toward Francis, explaining his brother's behavior. She was upset with George, but refused to let him spoil her celebration. She looked at Anne solemn face, her eyes scanning the hall for anyone to acknowledge her. Anne stumbled upon Katy's eyes, shocked that Katy was even looking in her direction. Katy took a deep breath and half smiled at the girl. Anne did not react immediately, but soon looked at the ground.

Pulled by Roses- A War of the Roses StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang