"This is another company your father works in, Adrien. Just like he told you before, he's working together with Mayor Bourgeois, so the both of them own this building. They decided to have you do your photo-shoot here as it is quite spacious and perfect." Nathalie led us through a door, and we walked inside a large room. "After your week break, you'll be doing most of your photo-shoots here. Your father wants to expand your modelling career-"

"So what, his father has already planned his future for him?" Felix caught Nathalie off with a frown on his face. "But what if Adrien doesn't want it? If his 'modelling career' expands. . . he would barely have time to do the things he'd love to do. He's still 17 years old, yet he barely knows what it feels like to live as a normal teenager. Don't you think he should get to decide what he wants?" Felix patted my back with a smile, showing me that he's got my back. I smiled back at him, and turned to Nathalie, but Nathalie didn't look quite pleased with the words being spoken to her.

"I'm not the one making these decisions," She spoke with a stern look on her face. "You're against it? Go talk to your father, not me." After her harsh words, she turned around and started leading us to where we were going again. I didn't say anything, but Felix was muttering words under his breath with an angry look, though he didn't say anything either. "Oh, and also. . ." Nathalie suddenly stopped us, "we have a few guests today joining you for your photo-shoot." I didn't know what that exactly meant, but I didn't ask either, after all. . . why would I care?

I finished putting on the clothes I was supposed to wear, before stepping out of the changing room. Felix and Nathalie stood there, looking at me. "Yes, Adrien, that outfit seems to be the best option," Nathalie clapped her hands together, before taking out her phone and peeking at it. "Oh no, 4:24?! We're going to be late if we don't hurry now." She quickly rushed towards the door, motioning for us to follow her. Felix and I walked behind her as we let her lead the way.

Finally we arrived at where the photo-shoot was taking place, which was, as I had expected, extremely large. Inside the room, there was the photographer, Father, Mr. Bourgeois and. . . I let out a gasp. Marinette?!

"Adrien, hurry up, we haven't got all day!" Father called out to me, but I was still so shocked with Marinette being here that I couldn't move. Was I just imagining her? Did I miss her that much?!

"Adrien, Miss. Dupain-Cheng over here will be doing the photo-shoot with you. Weird, there were supposed to be more of them," Nathalie looked around, before shrugging. "The others will be here soon, I guess, but we're going to start this off with you and Marinette together, okay?"

"Wait, I. . .don't get it. What's going on?" I was still so confused. What did she mean by the others? What was Marinette doing here anyway, and why did she look so. . . I blushed as I looked away. Why does she look so good in that outfit?!

When Father got into a conversation with Mr. Bourgeois, Nathalie turned to me with a grin. "Your father decided for your first photo-shoot here, it had to be something you would like, so he decided to invite all of your friends along to do the photo-shoot with you. Everyone were so excited to hear that, and they wanted to surprise you, but I. . ." Nathalie folded her arms as she looked over at the two men still talking. "I had to tell you. You see, your father just wants to make you feel welcomed here, so as to make your choice easier. . .or at least. . .make it easier for you to like this place-"

"In other words, Adrien," Felix interrupted as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Your father isn't giving your a choice to choose what you want to do, but he wants you to like what you do for him, so he's trying to make your feel comfortable and welcomed. Either way though. . .you still don't have a choice."

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