[1] the day that ruined life

Start from the beginning

"Okay, okay!" Silver let out a yawn before pushing the excited boy off of her. "Now get out, so I can change!" She ordered and Reese did exactly that and eagerly rushed out of the room. As soon as he left, Silver pulled her clothes off which ironically smelled like fish.

You'd think after living in a district where the main industry is fishing for seventeen years, she'd be used to the stench but in reality she couldn't stand it. Silver quickly threw on a simple t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants, she slipped on some shoes and began to head out of the room when something out of the corner of her eye captured her attention.

"Silver! Come on!" Reese shouted from the other side of the door. "Just give me one second!" She called out, her eyes were stuck on the calendar perched on top of her dresser.

Silver felt like she could puke her insides out at any minute as a funny feeling formed in her stomach and her face went pale when she made the terrible realization.

Today was reaping day, the day where the twenty four tributes were chosen for their inevitable deaths in the arena and watched by thousands of people across the country.

What caused such a bad feeling in Silver was that it wasn't just any reaping day, it was Reese's very first one. He had just turned twelve a week ago and therefore was now eligible to be a tribute.

More like eligible to get slaughtered simply for the entertainment of those in the capitol. Tears threatened to burst out of her eyes and the only thought that was able to prevent it was that it was just one piece of paper with Reese D'Alessio written on it.

It was only one little paper that was put in a bowl mixed with so many other names. There was no way in hell Reese would be picked out of hundreds of other boys, there was always that small chance though. "Silver, hurry up c'mon!" Reese's excited voice forced her to get out of her own mind and readjust to reality.

"Coming!" Silver called out to him and without thinking, slammed the calendar face down on the dresser and met her brother outside. By then, the majority of the D'Alessio family was now up and about throughout the home. "Mornin' mama" Silver greeted her mother with a kiss to her temple once she had entered the kitchen. Reese trailed behind Silver as she navigated her way through the kitchen and opened the cabinet that housed her beloved throwing knives.

"Where are you going with those?" A suspicious Ginevra D'Alessio asked when she saw the knives, placing a hand on her hip and raising an eyebrow. "To commit murder" Silver answered with a smirk as she took a wet cloth and wiped the knives clean.

"Anisa!" Her mother exclaimed, shocked and gave Silver a stern look. "Kidding! I'm taking Reese fishing" Silver replied, not being able to contain her laughter when she saw her mother's reaction. She grabbed Reese's hand and led him out through the backdoor.

A gust of wind fanned her face and the smell of salt water found it's way to her nose. "You ready?" She looked at Reese, who was still beaming with excitement. He gave her a enthusiastic head nod that brought a smile to Silver's lips and a comforting thought.

Not even something like reaping day could dim Reese's spirits, he was still as happy as he was any other day and Silver deeply admired that. Silver made her way across the beach, a pack of knives clutched in her left hand. They stopped at a shallow pool enclosed by rocks, the water was crystal clear and you could see any fish that swam around in it.

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