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The house is double the size of the old one in North Carolina. Mom said I could pick out my bedroom and I picked out the attic. I know what you are thinking........ why the attic?
First, it is way bigger than the other bedrooms.
Second it has this huge window and the view from the window is of the beach.  Third I like privacy and it is like a no where near any of the other bedrooms.
I finished unpacking all of my stuff and my room looked awesome.
Earlier today I went shopping and bought a bunch of beachy decorations. I picked teal green and yellow for the accents of my room.

My room⬆️

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My room⬆️

I put on some comfy shorts, my brother's old hoodie, and jumped in my bed. I take out my phone and look at the time, 01:42am omg, no wonder I am exhausted.

I jerk awake and jump out of my bed panting. I look at where I am and remember that this is my new bedroom. It was just another nightmare. I grab my phone and see that it is 10 am and a message from luke.
Hey mom wanted me to text you that her and dad are at dads bosses house.
Lexi and I are exploring the town.
Piece out

Huh they couldn't just wait for me. They probably didnt want to be seen around with there ugly sister.
Well i didnt want to go with them anyways.
Today was sunday and tomorrow is Monday and I was dreading school already.
I decided to go to the beach

I get up and take a shower, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and all the other damn stuff you do when you wake up.
I put on a white sundress and some sandals. I then grabbed a granola bar and walked out of the house. The beach was around half a mile from the house and I dont have car so I just walked there.

 The beach was around half a mile from the house and I dont have car so I just walked there

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The veiw is amazing.
I sit down on the rocks and just listen to the waves crashing over each other. Well I am not just listening, I am also getting a tan, and eating a granola bar. Its so peaceful here.

My New Title Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt