the cooking festival part 2

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It was the 4th day of the cooking festival and the Devil King pirates were enjoying themselves immensely, though that was slightly dampened by the slight tension filling the air around their ship. The cause of this? The two new members they had picked up just minutes after meeting them. Jewelry Bonney wasn't that bad honestly. The woman was honestly just stand offish with most of the crew. True she was friendly towards Izuku, but he had already proven himself in her eyes.

After Izuku, Killer was the one who got along with her best, mostly because they hardly spoke with each other. Nami and Bonney had a weird relationship. At first they seemed to get along well enough and seemed to make a connection. The problems started when their personailties started to clash. Having neither been around another woman as firey as them before. They managed to get along for the most part but every now and then an argument would break out and the men wisely kept their distance during this time.

Bonney just found Hawkins weird, not showing much emotion and seemingly knowing wants going to happen, would make it diffucult for the woman to come and trust the man. Her relationship with Eustass didn't improve much after that first night throwing barbs and insults at each other whenever they got the chance.

However  it was Law where most of the problems lied. For Izuku, Killer and Hawkins the man was fine as they were able to get along with his personality and dark demeanor as they had been around or had experienced such behavior before. Nami was okay for the most part but still had her reservations about Law, mainly for the fact he seemed to enjoy creeping her it just to get  a reaction out of her, and even though the rest would deny it the rest of the crew would did find it funny when ever she freaked out.

However that didn't stop the pair from quickly becoming infuriated when Law turned this on  them with  Bonney throwing around blast of aging and dealing blast at the doctor which he calmly dodged or directed towards someone else with his devil fruit powers. This someone was usually/always kid who had been turned into a kid or old man more times than he could count. That mixed with Law's mouth and seemingly enterally amused personality already had Kid on his last nerve. The worst part was that Law had already proven his worth as their doctor having not only patched up Kid but also healed up any lingering injuries and scars until they were complete gone.

Seeing that they had nothing to convince Izuku to kick Law of the crew with they settled with glaring at him and snapping at him at every opportunity. This unfortunately only seemed to amuse Law if his smirk widening during each of these times was any indication. It didn't help that Law would end each of these interactions with a very rude hand gesture. Still he was part of the crew now and everyone had to adjust to it.

Right now the crew had split up into pairs to enjoy the parts of the festival. Bonney and Nami paired up after saying they needed some girl time while looking to sample more exotic fruits and vegetables.  Hawkins and Killer paired up, the pair enjoying the quiet spoke about past experiences while enjoying some classic noddle dishes. Finally there was Kid and Izuku happily chatting about fights they had in the past while enjoying the surf and turf that was being served at the coast. Kid's mood was damped somewhat when Law had joined them on his lunch break, though he did crack an occasional smile and small chuckle when the doctor told them some stories of his own.

With Nami and Bonney.

"And by the time they got back I had taken everything!" Nami laughed as she finished a story from her days as a pirate thief with Bonney laughing besides her, a huge bulging sack of food slung over her shoulder as the pair passed multiple fruits stands. "Damn they must've been pissed!" Bonney continued to laugh along with Nami.

The two had just finished shopping for the food that they would need for the next week( though Nami doubted that it would last three days given how much the crew ate), and where currently just browsing the fruit stands while trying exotic fruits from each of the four blues when a large crowd caught their attention.

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