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Me: Hey everyone "waves then sighs" I have something to tell you and it's about the virus going around

Me: "tears up a little" someone in my family on my mams side has the virus and we don't have much information on how he's doing.

Gogeta: "hugs me"

Me: but apparently there doing ok but I thinks it's time I told all this "looks at readers" I have problems with learning and other things so coming on here and writing on Wattpad helps me feel normal.

Me: And all the love and support in all my books that I get from you and other comments on my art. I have social and separation anxiety and I've been bullied since I was little and threatened lots of time "takes a deep breath"

Gogeta: "holds me" shh it's ok

Me: and I have panic attacks really bad ones and I come on here and write to help and knowing you all like what I write makes me feel happy! So I'd fought I'd finally tell you and I'm taking a little break for a little bit to spend time with my family.

Me: "smiles at you all" so thanks for listening and hope to see ya all soon!

Edited on Saturday 10th August 2024

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