Pondering, "By the way, where is Dad?". They're usually inseparable during events.

"He's with John." She said distractedly. She just spotted some of her friends not far from our side which I know any minute now they will come to us.

And that's my cue to leave. Most of her friends would ask about my non-existing love life and I'm not ready to face them this early. I will survive the night if I talk to them first.

"Speaking of him, did you see Alexander anywhere? We were looking for him awhile ago. Your dad and John wants to discuss some business with him.

My escape! Thank God! "Actually, I saw him on the other side of the room. I think I'll go there and tell him." I was starting to leave when my mom grabs my arm lightly.

"Wait, dear, my friends are here. Come let's meet them first." She said with much too enthusiasm.

Uh...no way! "I think it's better to find Alexander first. You know he always leaves early at this kind of event." I told her matter-of-factly.

"Oh yes, yes you should find him first, and then you can come back here to chat with my friends." *Shaking my head slightly* Sometimes my mom can be easily persuaded especially if her attention is already somewhere else.

"Of course mom I'll see you later." Not! Let them wait for an hour or two. For sure they wouldn't notice my presence anyway. And besides, they'll be exhausted by the end of the night that they'll just greet me and go. I smiled evilly. Haha, I'm so marvelous!

I left mom and look around for Alexander's friends. I know he would be somewhere nearby. And truly enough just a few seconds of scanning I found him near a bar with Sean, flirting with two women who are dressed in almost nothing.

What is this? A strip club? Those women look likes prostitutes. When the blonde one who's clinging to Alexander like a koala turns a little I realize who the woman is. It's Miranda, the woman whose favorite pastime is to sleep as many men as she can.

I respect Alexander and his friends especially Drew and Sean, they're really good at choosing the right business. They're all self-proclaimed billionaires anyway but when it comes to women they always choose trash.

As I neared I got a clear view of the other woman who I recognize is Cher who's the tamer version of Miranda. At least there is a small distance between her and Sean.

Sean noticed me first. He said something to Alexander and then the latter looks at me. I internally shivers every time he does that kind of stare like his caressing me from my head to toe.

I always catch sight of him looking at me intensely but I didn't put any malice to it, probably it's just how he looks at women. But there are times I wish he only gives that kind of attention to me.

When I reach their little group, Sean smiled and greeted first. "Hello, Cassandra. Aren't you a vision tonight?"

Oh, flatterer! He's always been the charmer of the group. "Oh stop it! You're making me blush!" I said while I kiss his cheek.

I turn to the other three on my left. "Oh hi..." I said to the two women blandly. Yup, I'm a bitch! What can I say, I never liked them.

Then I look at Alexander who looks amused. "Hi, Alexy!" Smiling seductively, I notice him move away discreetly from the koala.

Ooh, I think I might have fun tonight. Smiling to myself I step closer to him and stand in front of him. "You look rather dashing tonight!" I look him up and down then I place my hand on his chest.

I can feel him tense a little. He looks down where my hand is placed and look back up to my face. His eyes look intense and I look away for a second.

"And you look beautiful as always Cassy." I look back up my smile vanished. Ugh! Why does he like to call me that?! Breathing deeply, I smiled again trying to gain my composure back.

I run my hand deliberately, feeling his muscled chest. He gave me a more intense gaze, like pulling me in to get lost in his eyes. "Why, thank you!"

We are looking at each other like we're having a staring contest when the koala disrupts us. "Oh Cassandra, I didn't know you would come! I heard you're busy preparing for a charity gala." Her voice is so high pitched that I thought my eardrums would hurt.

I glance back at her while my hand is still on Alexander's chest. She looks so jealous like anytime now the green-eyed monster will come out. I thought ruefully.

Probably because when she was doing it to him earlier you can clearly see he wants to get away from her but when I did it, Alexander didn't mind a bit and if I say so myself I think he likes it. Oh, this bastard! He knows I'm just playing and he's riding along with it.

I exaggeratedly giggle. "Of course I won't miss it for the world. Besides, this event wouldn't be interesting if I'm not around." Yeah, because people like to gossip about you. My mind complained.

Someone snickered on my right.

"Right Alexy?!" I look up at him and wink.

He moves his head slightly like nodding but with less movement. "Hmmm." Hmm? That's it? No further reaction or comments?

However, the koala thinks differently. She definitely didn't agree. A while ago she looks like a koala all cuddly and sweet now she looks like a tigress ready to pounce on whoever takes her meal.

"Well, we are delighted that you came." She said with pure disdain written all over her face.

Then she turns and smiled sweetly at the person I'm currently touching. "So Alexander, as I was saying. We can go to my place after. I'll make sure you'll have fun and no one's going to interrupt us this time." She flickers her eyes to me in complete loathing and in seconds bats her eyelashes seductively to Alexander. Wow! I wonder how she did that eye thing. Two eye actions in seconds, it's so quick I haven't even blink yet. If I do that my eyes would get seizures.

"So what do you think?" Still fluttering her eyelashes. If Alexander will not answer her right now she'll surely be the one with eye seizures.

I rolled my eyes when she pushed me a little to the side while she moves closer to him pushing her fake enormous breasts. God, she looks so desperate.

I saw Alexander look at her nonchalantly for a second then look at me intently raising his right eyebrow, daring me to do something.

Huh! Now he's asking for my help?

"Ahem! Alex, I just came here to tell you that your father and my dad is looking for you. Apparently, they want to talk business with you and it's urgent." I said fixing his bow tie which annoyed Miranda further.

I don't know if I want to laugh at her who looks so envious or to Alexander who looks uncomfortable standing between two women bidding for his attention.

My God I've never been this clingy with anyone. First of all, I don't flirt! Why am I doing this again?

I've never even acted like this with Alexander before. The only time we're this close was eight years ago when I asked him to take my virginity which never happened by the way. Ugh! That was so humiliating! I wonder if Alexander still remembers it.

"Yes, I better look for them now." Alexander said while extracting himself from the koala.

"Yes, that's certainly a great idea." I told him loudly. And then whispered, "You might get eaten alive if you stay a little bit longer."

"Anyway, I better go and meet some of my friends." I said tapping my hand twice on his chest.

I look back at the women and wink. "Bye ladies!

"Sean, I hope I'll see you later." I wave and sashayed my way to the opposite side of the room giving them a full view of my very provocative open-back dress.

Before I can even walk further I heard him say...

"What the fuck is she wearing?!

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