Chapter 6: Plan Blackmail

Start from the beginning

And that was an issue

True, I can threaten to tip the police about his gang . But what proof did I have? On the other hand, he probably had cameras in that room of his. He could've taped my whole confession.

I had to find a way to keep him quiet and fast before he does anything. and there was only one thing that I could think of.


We both exposed ourselves yesterday. I exposed my plan to him and he exposed his secret hideout room to me.

What did he call it again? Casa Trasera.

I still needed evidence though, which I could use to blackmail him into staying quiet and even persuade him to go through with my plan.

It was gonna be difficult, especially now that he probably had me on his radar, but I'm too committed to back out now.

And besides, I had an idea of how I was gonna do it.

I realized the only way to get anything I could blackmail him with, is if I get close to him first.

It's gonna be hard, and it's gonna be cruel. But If I convince him that everything I told him about my plan was a lie I made up so I can get his attention, because I liked him, I'd probably be able to get some dirt on him.

It was far fetched, but it was the only shot I had.

The trick was gonna be HOW I get close to him.

My father was too busy with an important case. He had men and women coming in and out of his office all morning.

On the down side, I couldn't get out of my room. On the plus side, He was too preoccupied to pay attention to me as I spent the rest of my Sunday planning out my next move.

I didn't particularly enjoy manipulation. but desperate times called for desperate measures.

And I was pretty fucking desperate.

I lay in bed for what seemed like forever and decide to check my phone for the first time today.  7 missed calls from Lindsay and a huge text from Ally, which I expected. We were used to hanging out on weekends.

what I didn't expect was a missed call from Aidan.

I call him back first. he picks up almost instantly.

"TANYA WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN." he greets me, screaming over loud music in the background.

"good morning to you too Aidan"


"your point?"

"Just get your ass over here"


"Linds and I are at The Palace"

The Palace was our nickname for Lindsay's house, since she lives in a huge mansion, even bigger than mine. That's because both her parents ran a huge chocolate business. In fact, they hired my father a couple of times when they had some law issues.

"nuh thanks, I'll pass"

"HELL NO. Kaylo already has work, Ally's busy and Leo bailed cuz he's grounded and depressed"


"you know why. we went all mission impossible in his house, remember"

"no, why is he depressed?"

"I don't really know. He just said he didn't wanna talk about it"

oh shit. I forgot about that. Like I need one more reason to dread school tomorrow, I'm gonna have to face Leo after he kissed me yesterday.

But then I remembered Leo asking me if Aidan had told me anything.

And I remembered Aidan trying to tell me something about the note at the party.

did he mean that?

"Listen, Aidan. what was in that note ?"

"you're still hung up on that?"

"It's important."

"I wrote 'Tanya was checking you out'"

"wait, WHAT?"

"I'm sorry. It was a joke. but then he got all worked up and ruined it."

"Aidan, you fucking prick."

" what did I do? HEY-"

he lets out a yell, and I hear Lindsay taking over the phone and talking instead.

"Tanya? what happened?" she asks me in a concerned voice.

" Leo likes me, I think. And Aidan told him I liked him back and I don't know what to do and I'm scared to hurt his feelings because I think he'll hate me"

I wasn't planning on telling them what happened, but it's hard to keep secrets from Lindsay when she's so easy to talk to.

"what? Tanya just get over her. we'll talk about it. I can kick out this idiot too if you want"

  "I heard that" Aidan mumbles in the background.

Honestly I would love to just go over to Lindsay's and cry to her for hours. Then she'd joke about us running away to Paris. After that, she'd break out her family's expensive chocolate sample stash for us to pig on while we binged all the 2000s chick flick movies.

After all, that's what we did when Ally went through a pretty hard breakup, last year.

"I can't . Dad has me on lockdown for the weekend. He's on a classified case"

"Can't you just sneak out"

That was her answer for everything.

The thing is, Lindsay doesn't even have to sneak out. Her parents let her go out whenever she wants. She just likes to pretend to have to sneak out sometimes, just for the thrill of it.

"No, he has Mary checking up on me every minute."

Actually, more than once, Mary has offered to cover for me. But one time she did that and she got caught. Father took a whole month off her paycheck. Since then, I've felt too guilty to risk it again.

"—Aidan not those. My parents are gonna kill me. Tanya I gotta go. I'll call you back- "

"It's fine. Bye"

and I hang up on her.

Ok I've been friends with Aidan for a while now. but some days, I just can't get over how insensitive he can get.

He really had to go mess with Leo, just for a joke. And now, I was fucked up too.

I'm too emotionally exhausted to even think about it anymore.

I'm going back to bed. rewatching Riverdale. ordering sushi.

and definitely not thinking about how I was gonna seduce Kaylo


Hey loves,

so I took a break from Wattpad for a while. Honestly I felt like this book was useless and no one was reading it anyways. but WOAH I came back and saw that people were actually READING this.

I just get demotivated sometimes. also, I  have commitment issues. but I'm back on track now.

hope you liked it. I'm gonna try to write one more chapter today.

stay safe & stay home


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