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It was foggy- Kinu's face with the back scenery moving, bumping motion, and something in the shadows. Whatever it was, Kinu knew of its presence, but tried to pay no attention to it. Although, I could feel him trembling I knew he wouldn't give up on his mission, whatever it was.

Then it was morning. I was in a dark room with my packed up tent and everything else beside the bed. I wonder who's bed it was.

My stomach decided to make a low growl, telling me to eat something or else, so I sat up. There were black dots clouding my vision momentarily, then they cleared. I knew I had to stand up, but I didn't want to. I really wanted to lay back down in the good smelling, warm bed and sleep.

Downstairs was like a deserted old house, nothing like it was yesterday night. It looked so dirty with only a slight glow of the sun peeking through. In the fridge, instead of finding food I found packaged blood. It was no surprise. I closed it and went to the cabinets looking for any food. Only alcohol. Should've guessed. I went back upstairs and changed into black combat boots, see-through leggings with a peach short skirt, and a white tribal print long sleeve. Just as I was about to leave, Yuki came out of his room and said in a normal voice "Miss Ru, you shouldn't go out there. It's dangerously sunny with threats of unknown to you."

I smiled "thank you Yuki, but I think I'll be alright."

"Yeah Yuki, she'll be alright" Tsu mocked "let her find out for herself."

I raised an eyebrow and shrugged it off. When I reached for the door handle, Tsu and Yuki were gone. Then I opened it. It was blindingly white. It kinda hurt, actually. Not kinda, it really hurt. Like as if someone poured acid on me. With a yelp, I stumbled backward and slammed the door shut. Tsu came back laughing "My goodie-goodie brother told you. You're turning into one of us, sweetheart."

I my expression didn't change, which surprised them.

"Indeed, Miss Ru. It takes five exposures to the undead's memories in order to become one. I guess you're really stuck with us now" Yuki said.

"Okay" I simply said "I'm hungry."

Tsu pointed to the fridge "Take some."

Kinu sat up from the couch. I guess it was his room I was asleep in "Don't you dare point Miss Ru to that fridge. You know well enough that fledgelings need to drink from the vein and if they have any that's not from the vein, they'll die."

"Buzz kill.." Tsu whispered and went back to his room followed by Yuki.

"Kinu, I really am hungry and I don't know what to do. It's a new starving" I whined.

"Come" he patted the seat next to him and rolled up his jacket sleeve "older vampires blood can sustain a fledgeling for a few hours."

I wasn't sure how to do this. I sat and looked at his arm with flowing blood. Precious blood. He noticed my confusion and told me "In order to penetrate the flesh, you simply need to open your mouth over the place you want and not think too much of it. It just kinda happens." I hesitated and then followed his instructions. He was right, I was simply overthinking it.

With that, my hunger vanished.

He rolled down his sleeve "I know is not that much, but it'll do."

"Thank you" I said.

"It's no big deal" he said.

We sat there in silence for a little. I broke it by asking "Last night. When you were carrying me. What was that creature that was watching us?"

His face grew grim. "Those are the Cunoco Eci (coon-e-co ee-kai). They're our enemies. They think we're the enemy, when their species are off fighting a war against the Numoemo (noo-mo-emo)- the ones that keep balance of spirits in this world and in their world. The Cunoco Eci were like the Numoemo, but something snapped in them and they became basically heartless. We're no match for them, that's why we run."

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