8-gotta get out

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"Are you sure you want to leave , this might stop you from having a future "

"I have gotta get out of that place and feel as if music would really take me somewhere " I said my face in my palms

"What about soccer , you were selected to play for Australia "

"But that is always something everyone has expected me to do , don't get me wrong I love playing soccer but I feel as if music is my passion"

"Cal you can drop out , if it means you being happy I will support you "I jumped up and hugged my parents .

"Thankyou" I said.

"Cal mate , just don't screw up because this will be always be with you so make the most out of it " I nodded . I looked outside to see strikes of lightening , rain fell rapidly and thunder was louder than a loud speaker .

The door bell rang just as all the power went out .

"Cal can you get that, I am gonna get candles and your dad gonna get blankets " I nodded and sprung up . As I walked to the door I could remember everything from the gig last night it was amazing and that's how I knew what I wanted to do one day.

I pulled the door open to review someone I hadn't seen in a very long time .

"Amber" I said to the brown haired girl who hair was stuck to her face as were her clothes to her body .

She nodded as I pulled her into my arms . Her arms immediately wrapped around me dropping the suitcase she had just be holding.

As her body was in my embrace I could feel heat around us . As I pulled apart I looked at her to see the clothes that were wet before now dry as was every strand of hair .

"Cal who- Amber" my mum ran to her and hugged her . She wasn't just my child hood Bestfriend her whole family was my family's best friends .

"Why didn't you call" my mum said as they broke the hug .

"The reception has been so bad today and when I went to a hotel all their room were taken due to the storm "

"Glad your back , how long you staying " my dad said hugging her .

"My boyfriend comes back from the army in two days " my mouth dropped , she had a boyfriend .
It has been 8 years though Calum of course she was gonna have one .

"I heard about you and your boyfriend haven't you been dating for three years "

"Yeh he is a year older , but love is love " she said blushing

Why was I feeling this way you haven't seen her since you were eight calum you have to get over her .

"So he is in the army"

"Yeh , every time he arrives at the airport and walks in wearing that uniform I can never be more proud " she said blushing again

"He seem lovely "

"Yeh he is " she said grabbing the suitcase .

"My brother is in the army with him now " my parents jaws dropped .

"We are so proud of Max"

2 days later.....

I went with Amber to the airport to pick up her boyfriend and her brother .I noticed the feeling I felt for her weren't there anymore , I don't but maybe seeing her so In love with someone else put me off .

We arrived at the airport when my phone went of .

"What , wait what "

Louis Tomlinson from One direction just told everyone about our cover .

"What is it Cal" Amber said getting out of the car .

"Louis from one direction just told everyone about the band I'm in "

"Wow congratulation " she said hugging me .

"Thanks "

"We need to get in I need to see him " she said jumping up and down

We waited at the arrival gate as a brown haired guy walked out crying . She ran up to him as he dropped his bag and they stood their hugging . He said something to her and she began to cry as well .

They stood their in each other arms crying .

"Amber what happen " I asked her coming over .

"Max died" I stood their for a second before tears began to fall . Max was also a good friend of mine , he taught me everything . He protected me from jerks , taught me soccer and made me person I was today .

I couldn't control the tears that feel , a part of me had been stripped . He was someone always there for me . When I was riding a skateboard and broke my ankle to when we built a tree house .
He was four years older but he was one of my best friends .

That's when I ran , as fast as my powers could take me . I was put to a hault as there in front of me was the treehouse .

I climb into the treehouse which was built for a eight and twelve year old . I brought my legs to my chest crying into my knees . My body began to feel cold as so did the air around me .

The sky which had been a clear blue had now been covered by grey cloud . Heavy rain drops feel through the broken roof .

But I continued to cry , I looked up to him as if he was my older brother .

I stood up as the floor made cracking noises , the next moment I was dropping but I didn't care . I was close to hitting the ground when my body shot up pulling me towards the sky .

I screamed not for the reason I was scared but for the reason I lost someone who was like a brother .

I looked down to see the familiar land that I had only seen from standing on it .

My body floated through the sky till I dropped my feet reaching the ground . I looked up to be at the airport where Amber and her boyfriend just walked out from .

"Cal " she said her voice croaking . I hugged her and she hugged back letting go . She walked back over to her boyfriend and hugged him . Max and him must of been close .

"I can't believe he died" her boyfriend began .

"We may of never been together if he didn't see how perfect we were for each other , he was a legend " she grabbed his cheek with her hand and smashed her lips into his .

They pulled apart as he said " we would of found each other , because the love we have is one like no other " they began to kiss again as I jumped into the car.

I was happy for her she had the love of her life and one day I will find the right girl and she will be the one who makes me truly happy . It might not happen today or this year , but when it comes . it won't matter when because she will be the one I love and I would be proud to call her mine .

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