Chapter XXXIII: Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

“That's not true,” Tracey complained.

“Isn't it?” asked Daphne, the dry tone in her voice making it evident that the question was rhetorical. “Name one time you've gotten up before ten that didn't involve either myself or your parents waking you.”

Tracey opened her mouth to speak, then promptly shut it. Her face scrunched up as she tried to think of something to say, but slowly began to turn red when she realized that Daphne was right.

“And now you have just proven my point.”

Tracey flushed.

“Shut up, Daphne.”

Harry found the interaction between Daphne and Tracey absolutely fascinating. It was so different than what he was used to seeing when dealing with the oftentimes cold pureblood girl. Were it not for the evidence in front of his eyes, he would have never believed she was the person speaking. A part of him had to wonder if this was how they always acted when not around others. He hoped so, because it meant Daphne was comfortable enough with them to be herself, even if she still downplayed her emotions.

The group soon left the compartment, which shrunk back to its original size as they left, and exited the Hogwarts Express.

Much like when Harry had first arrived at platform nine and three-quarters at the start of the term, the place was a bustling zoo of people. Children were being hugged by their parents, siblings too young to go to Hogwarts greeted their bothers and/or sisters enthusiastically, and the students in question were telling their families of their time at Hogwarts. It was all very lively.

Hermione turned to them, her face uncertain as she bit her lip.

“I should probably get going. My parents are on the other side of the barrier.”

“Alright,” Harry and the others—minus a few like Blaise and Daphne who merely nodded—offered the girl a smile, putting whatever worries she had at ease and causing her to smile back. “Have fun on your family trip.”

“I will.”

The others said their goodbyes to the girl as well. Hermione offered them one final wave before making her way toward the barrier. A few seconds later she disappeared within the crowd of bodies.

“I should probably get going as well,” Daphne started, “My father is... probably looking for me within this crowd.” There was a small pause in her voice, Harry noticed, as if she had been about to say one thing and quickly changed it to something else. He wondered what she had been going to say originally, but felt he already had a good idea.

“Bye, Daphne!”

Tracey gave her best friend a big hug, which was returned much more hesitantly and with far less force. The blond then turned to Harry, biting her lip. After a single moments hesitation she held out her hand towards him.

It only took Harry a moment to realize what she was doing. But when he did, he recovered from his surprise admirably. He took her hand in one of his and brought it to his lips.

“I'll see you after the holidays,” she said softly.

“Of course.” He smiled at her, causing another hesitant one to be given in return. She took a step back after another moment, nodded at the others, then turned on her heel and left.

“Wow,” Tracey said after a moment. She turned to look at Harry, her eyes appraising. “I don't know what you did, but whatever it was, it must have really gotten through to her.”

Harry tilted his head to the side in a curiously endearing gesture.

“You mean she didn't tell you?”

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