"She won't know words if she can't hear. That'll make it quite hard for her to write books, don't you think? She won't hear the oven buzzing if she's a cook. She won't hear the animals barking because they need to pee, or eat, if she becomes a veterinarian. She won't hear the 'go' at swimming races without her hearing. Danielle, I'm not trying to be pushy. I just want the best for Megan."

"You don't even know her," I argued, tears springing back into my eyes. "It doesn't mean I don't care," He said calmly. I just stared at the wrinkly old man, not sure of what to say next. "We cleaned up," Max broke the silence. "Okay, come on. We're going now." I almost whispered. We started walking towards the exit, leaving the cochlear implant brochure on the cheap, plastic chair behind me.

I suddenly awoke, sitting up in bed. I ran my hand across my forehead, wiping the beads of sweat away. I took a few moments to re-coupe, and realize that was just a memory. It's two, almost three years later already. I need to let the past go. Maybe its guilt that's eating at me. For not getting Meg the surgery.

I just don't know anymore.


I walked through the mall with Mason at my side. His hand reached up, holding mine. We're headed to The Childrens Place to get Mason some fall/winter clothes. All he has in his dresser right now are shorts and t-shirts. "Here we are," I said, stopping at the large store.

"Yay!" Mason exclaimed, releasing my hand and running into the store. I smiled, walking after him. Its surprising how much Mason loves style. He also colour-coordinates. "Okay, you need to find some pants, some long-sleeves and some sweaters." I told my son, as my eyes scanned the store.

"Okay!" He yelled, snatching a pair of jeans off a tall, white, shelf. I turned around, and walked towards the shoes. He needs some boots for the winter. I grabbed a cute pair of brown running shoes, some blue winter-boots, and some tan lace-up autumn boots. He'll probably need hats and mittens.

I turned around, and hit into someone hard. I dropped all the boots, and stumbled backwards. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry," The young woman apologized, as she stumbled backwards into a rack of boys sale t-shirts. "I was just looking at boots for my daughter, and I turned around too quick, and I didn't mean to hit you," She quickly said, crouching down to pick up the boots. "It's fine," I assured her as I re-gained balance.

"Wait, Holly from the playground?" I questioned, recognizing the sleeve tattoos covering her arms. She looked up, eyes flickering in recognition. "Oh, you." She mumbled. Well, that wasn't a very cheery greeting. "You told your son leave the park, and that made my daughter cry and cry. Addison really needs a friend, and your son was that friend." Said Holly, annoyance in her eyes as she stood up with the pairs of boots.

She passed the pairs of boots to me, and adjusted the large diaper bag strung over her shoulder. She crossed her arms, staring at me. "I'm sorry about taking my own son home," I apologized. "It's just- your daughters' name is Addison." I sighed. Holly's eyebrows were raised as she waited for me to continue.

Sighing, I gave in, "My son Mason, he had a twin, my daughter, named Addison, but when Addison was born she was already dead. Plus my girlfriend died during the childbirth. So it's just hard for me to hear the name Addison, okay?" I said, getting frustrated and upset that I had to talk about Addy.

Holly's face softened, and she bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry." She apologized. "Don't apologize," I mumbled. "It wasn't your fault anyway. Violet was just too tiny for her body to handle giving birth to twins at 20 years old." I explained. "I wasn't apologizing about your girlfriend. I was apologizing for being rude to you about leaving the playground. But if you want to, I could call Addison Addy while we hang out." Holly suggested.

"Hanging out?" I questioned. I don't remember making plans to hang out... Holly smiled, holding her hand out. "Give me your phone." She instructed, eyes shining. I took my phone out of my pocket, and passed her the white iPhone. Her fingers tapped away at the screen, as she texted herself.

She passed it back to me, and her pocket vibrated. I cracked a smile. "I'll text you sometime, and we could get the kids together." She said, tilting her head to the side. I sighed, realizing that all I'm gonna hear if we hang out is Addison. Addison. Addison.

Holly must have noticed my uncomfortableness, and spoke up, "If you want... I could call Addison, Addy, or I could call her by her middle name which is Jewel?" Holly suggested, trying to make everything less upsetting for me. "Thank-you," I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Well, I'll text you soon Niall." Said Holly, turning on her heel. "Bye," I whispered as she walked away. She turned back, smiling one last time. Holly Horan. It could possibly happen.

Q: Do you guys like Holly? Thoughts on her? Will Danielle get Megan the cochlear implant?
Next chapter should have some good drama my bananaminions

also i might not be updating fr the next week or so cos im on vacation. im in Australia how cool is that!
-A xo

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