"Uncow Harry, Zayn, Wiam and Wouis?" Mason asked, raising a questioning eyebrow. "That would be correct, buddy." I replied, pushing the swing again. "Oh. Cool." Said Mason, nodding. I smiled at him, before looking back up at the woman with sleeve tattoos covering her arms.

She was smiling at a little girl who was running across the play structure. "Careful!" Tattoo-girl warned, fear in her eyes that the little girl would slip. "Can I play over there, too?" Mason questioned, pointing to the playground. "Sure, lad." I replied, stopping the swing. I pulled him out, and put him on the gravel.

He ran over to the playground, climbing up a pile of tires. I smiled, walking after him. I kicked a pebble as I walked over. Where should I stand? Would it be awkward to stand next to the tattoo-girl? I ended up deciding to stop walking, right beside the tattooed girl. I don't know what I should call her... Why am I even thinking about her? I don't know. She has nice eyes... I crossed my arms, trying to look casual.

She peeked over at me, hand gripping a Starbucks coffee. Her nails were painted light orange and white. That's really nice. I should recommend that to Danielle. "Hello." She said, voice whimsical and unexpected. You'd never think this woman would sound like this. Her very precise Irish accent lingered in the air.

"Um, hi." I awkwardly replied. "What's your name?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink. "Niall." I replied, blinking a few times. "Holly." She replied, flashing a grin. I smiled back, not knowing what to say. "Who's the kid with you?" Holly asked, motioning to a very hyper-active Mason.

Mason was running around with Holly's young girl. I don't know if Holly is babysitting that girl, or if it's her daughter, or if Holly is married and that's her daughter, or what. Mason looked really happy to be playing with this girl.

"My son." I replied, lips curving into a grin at the mention of my boy. "He's adorable." Holly concluded after staring at Mason for about 6 seconds. "Thanks." I replied, sliding my hands into my pockets.

It was quiet for the next few seconds, while we watched our kids run around. Again, I don't know if that child is Holly's daughter, but it seems that Holly's in charge of her.

"What's your girls' name?" I asked, referring to the blonde little girl, bounding across the playground. "Addison." Holly replied, smiling at the mention of the child. My stomach did a back-flip. "What?" I asked in disbelief. "Addison." Holy repeated, furrowing her eyebrows.

My stomach lurched again. Images of Addison's still-born body flashed in my mind. The doctors dressed her in the little pink dress Violet and I had taken to the hospital for her. I had really wanted to see Addison wear it... Even if she wasn't living... "Are you okay?" Holly asked, looking concerned.

"I have to go." I said, avoiding her eye-contact and jogging over to the playground. "Daddy, look!" Mason exclaimed, as he struggled to go across the monkey bars. Addison was giggling as Mason tried to swing to the next bar.

I ducked under the playground, over to Mason. I reached over, plucking him from the monkey bars. "Daddy! I was playing!" Mason cried, kicking his feet around. "We have to head home, now. Maybe you can play with Max or Cameron later today." I tried to bargain with my flailing son.

"No! I want to play with Addison!" Mason cried. I turned around, and saw the young blonde girl standing at the other end of the shiny red money-bars. She had a look of pure abandonment on her face. Her eyes were glassy and full of tears, and her lip quivered as I carried Mason away.

"I'm sorry buddy," I apologized, feeling tears well up in my own eyes. "Please Daddy! She has no friends!" Mason exclaimed, kicking his feet, and whipping his arms around.

"Please Mason! It's time to go home!" I begged, feeling embarrassed that I couldn't keep him under control. If Violet was here she'd be able to calm him down. I'm a failure as a father. Why couldn't I have died instead of Violet? Violet deserved to live. She was an inspiration. She was crazy amazing.

I'm just... Me.

"Daddy!" Mason yelled, flailing his arm into the air, once again. His hand smacked me in the nose, causing blood to trickle down over my lips, and down my chin. "Mason!" I exclaimed, wiping the blood away with the back of my hand and putting him down on the grass. He was sniffling, and tears were running down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, lad. But we have to go home. We can come back to the playground, later." I told Mason. He shook his head no, another tear rolling down his little cheek. "I love you, lad, please stop crying." I begged, giving him a quick hug. When I released him, Mason looked into my eyes with the most sorrowful of expressions. "Why does Addison get a Mommy and I don't?"

Hey my bananaminions
QOTD- Was Addison Holly's daughter? Will Mason keep being angry at Niall? Will Holly & Addison play a part in this story?
I love you all so much!

-A xo

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