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It wasn't until late evening when Killian returned from work, throughout the day he hadn't called Gwen. He didn't seem the need to, she knew he would be at work. As he approached the house he saw the kitchen light on meaning his wife was still awake.

Normally when Killian was working late, Gwen would just go to bed without him but if she was angry she would stay awake. They never went to bed angry, it became a rule in their relationship. Along with many over things but that one was probably the most important.

He half expected Gwen to yell at him as soon as he walked in the house, but she didn't. She sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea with a blanket wrapped around her. She had a 'you've got some explaining to do' look on her face and Killian knew that look well.
"Look before you start yelling-" he started talking before she cut him off.
"Yelling? Whose yelling? I'm just here drinking my tea" she scoffed as she placed her mug on the table. Killian responded by raising his eyebrow, he knew she was angry and he would have been worried if she wasn't.

"Graham called me early this morning and said there was a robbery. I know I don't work on Sundays but he needed me there and I couldn't say no" he explained, Gwen looked at him and raised her eyebrows, his excuse was no where near good enough.
"So, instead of telling your wife you had to go to work. You left her alone. And instead of calling your wife. You didn't, why?" She asked in a soft voice. Killian sat opposite her and looked into her eyes, the same eyes he fell in love with all those years ago.

"Because, you were up late last night marking students homework. And I know you're stressing because you have parent teacher day on Wednesday. I thought you deserved to get a good nights sleep. I didn't call because Graham confiscated my phone because he wanted to catch the thief". His eyes were locked on hers, she didn't want to admit it but she forgave him. She blamed it on the fact he kept eye contact with her, it showed he was being honest.

"Ugh I can't stay mad at you" she admits and gives him a small smile. He smiled and walked over to her, embracing her in a warm hug.
"I love you Gwen"

Killian's hook pierced through James chest instantly. Gwen's scream of terror and despair could probably heard through the sea as her father dropped dead on his own ships deck. It only added to Killians smirk as he wiped the blood off his hook.

Charlie, despite being in complete shock, held his sister back from trying to murder the other captain.
"LET ME GO CHARLIE!!" She screamed, she tried to push him off her but it was no use. He was only a little stronger than her but it was enough to keep her away. The noise of the scream brought their mother Alina to the top deck.

"Now you either come with me now...or your father won't be the only one deceased." Killian snapped, Gwen looked at him with her teary eyes, he just killed her father...he can kill her mother and her unborn child. She turned to face her brother, his eyes begged her not to go but he knew she had to.

Gwen's POV

I looked down to the test in my hands. Negative. Another month with no good news, I don't know why I keep doing this. Every month I put myself through the same thing hoping that one day it'll be different but it never is. I put the test in the trash and head back to the bedroom, I only have 15 minutes till I have to leave for work.

"Maybe next month" I sigh as I put on a peach dress. I hate Monday, so do the kids I teach. I envy the fact Killian has Monday's off, he's so lucky but he does work Saturdays. I finish braiding my hair and go downstairs where the smell of eggs and bacon hits me.

"You're up early" I say as I enter the kitchen. He looks at me and smiles, normally he would stay in bed but I guess I woke him up. I've always loved it when he cooks, he rarely does it but I love it when he does.
"Well, it's not everyday I wake up before my lovely wife so I thought I'd treat her" he smiles. I aww and wrap my arms around him, god the eggs smell delicious. I step on to my tip toes and peck his cheek, I'm really lucky to have him.

"Don't go Gwen" Charlie whispered as she packed her bag. Hook gave her five minutes to say goodbye, she had to use it wisely. She looked her brother in his brown eyes, they were polar opposites. She had blonde hair and green eyes, he had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Charlie, promise me you'll look after mother and the baby." She put his hand on his cheek to wipe away his tears. She had to be strong, for him and her mother.

Charlie nodded, he would do what he had to do. Gwen gave her mother and long hug, knowing it may be the last one.
"I'm not afraid. And I will escape and avenge fathers death." She whispers to her mother. Footsteps became louder and Hook burst through the door, he grabbed her arm and pulled Gwen out of the room. She tried to get of his grip but it was no use, he was stronger then her.
"I can walk by myself you know!" She snaps, only causing Hook to roll his eyes.
"I'm sure you can love, doesn't mean I'm going to let you."

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