Off to my World!

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First Person, Percy

After I wiped away my tears, I stood up with my father. He looked at me uncertainly and I offered him a broken, but genuine, smile. He smiled back and walked to his throne. I walked over to my cousins and gave a hug to each of them. After I did, I looked back at Zeus. My anger was growing by the minute, but I managed to hold it in.

"I assume that that isn't the only thing that you needed, oh King of the Gods?" I said, venom dripping off of my words like water from a leaky faucet. I was done being polite after what he did, giving my cousins and I immortality after we specifically said no.

"Why you... I should blast you to pieces where you stand!" Zeus said as he rose from his throne, his Master Bolt that I oh so graciously returned my first summer.

"Do it! Please! You only granted two of my wishes in my mortal life. My wish after my first quest and my wish after the war! That is all! So, Zeus, I now request death! Think about what you have done to me, to your kids, to Hades' kids. You took our only hope away from us! Our hope to see everyone again! To see Piper! To see Luke!" At this point I could feel tears gathering in my eyes. I walked over to my cousins and stood next to them. "To see Will! To see Juli! To see Annabeth and the rest of the Amazons, campers, and Hunters! I do not want this so called 'gift'. It's a curse! A curse that you wish to share! Kill me! Do it Zeus! I know you can! Do it and I will gladly give you my corpse to practice your lightning! I no longer want this life!"

Zeus was glowing with power, almost ready to smite me. Good. Let him. I would be able to see Annabeth again.

"Father." Damn it! Speak of the devil and her mom shall appear. "It would be unwise to kill one of our champions on the day he was crowned. But Perseus, calm yourself. You are causing storms all over the globe! Millions of people's lives are being risked!"

Upon hearing her words, I quickly realed in my emotions. I felt some blood leave my face. I turned to Hades, who was hugging Nico and Hazel. "Did I... did I kill anyone, Lord Hades?" He let go and pulled out a black iPad, like the one Thanatos had on Hazel, Frank, and my's quest to Alaska. He was scrolling through. "No. You regained conrtol just in time." I sighed with relief. Something about him was off though. As if he heard or thought something funny. He was trying hard not to grin. "Oh come on. Really, Uncle?" I chuckled a bit at him. "Yes really, nephew." He replied, straight features upon his face.

I chuckled again. "May I ask another question, Lord Hades?" He nodded. "Did they all make Elysium? Did... Annabeth make Elysium?" He nodded again. Then thought and shook his head. I sucked in a breath. "One of my children. My other child." He said, looking at Hazel and Nico. "Their name was Alex. Alex Garcia. Their's is the only soul that didn't make it." He looked at the ground.

I remembered the daughter of Hades. Well, she wasn't officially, like, out in the open claimed. She stayed in the Hermes Cabin because she loved it there. Welcoming campers, helping the Stolls prank, and learning from Luke. She was only six years old when Chiron found her outside of the barrier, abandoned. As I said before, she was never officially claimed, but Hades claimed her when she was alone in the woods during a Capture the Flag game. No one knew her mom. She didn't talk about her, as if she didn't exist. She was such a great kid. Sassy, but a great one nevertheless. Give her a few years and she would fight in the Titan War. She saved one of Hecate's children from an emposai. That lead Hecate to bless her with power over the Mist. Along with Annabeth, she was one of the most worried campers for me when Hera made me go to Camp Jupiter. I looked at Hades, ready to ask a question about her, but one look at his and my cousins' faces told me not to.

I turned back to Zeus. "So... what now? Don't expect us to believe that you don't have a plan for the rest of our lives. So what are they?" I asked.

Zeus, clearly expecting this question, looked at me stupidly. "Kelp Head." Thalia muttered under her breath. I ignored her. "Well... we never had a champion before. Let alone five. So, now that you all are Olympus' Champions, you must assist all immortals, bring pride to the name of Olympus, and help us when problems arise with other beings." We nodded our heads, all lost in thought.

"Lord Zeus!" A new voice called. Hecate, goddess of magic, crossroads, necromancy, and the Mist stepped forward. "May I be the first to present a problem to the Champions?" She asked.

"Yes, I will grant you this wish Hecate. From where does this problem come from?" Zeus replied. "It is from my pet world, the Wizarding World." She answered. He nodded and threw his Master Bolt onto the floor, completing the meeting.

Hecate grabbed my arm along with Thalia's. "Jason, grab your sister's hand. Hazel grab his. Nico, come over here and grab Percy's." They did as instructed and Hecate flashed us out.

After we landed, Hecate turned me around. "Show me your forehead." She said, suspicion evident in her voice.

"What? What's so important about his forehead?" Thalia asked. Nico shushed her.

I looked at Hecate and lifted my bangs. Then I cursed myself for my carelessness. I wouldnt be able to cast a spell over it to block it. She would know what i would be doing. She was the creator of my lost world after all. She saw the scar.

"Kelp Head, why do you have a scar on your head?" Thalia asked. Nico paled slightly, eyes widening.

"Percy Potter." Hecate whispered. I nodded. The others protested.


"I thought it was Jackson!"

"Kelp Head, what did you do now?"

"What do you mean Potter?"

I turned to my cousins. "Guys... My real name is Percy Potter. My twin brother is known as Harry Potter. Maybe you've heard of him. If not, totally understandable." I looked at Hecate, choosing to ignore them for a bit. "Is he still alive?" I whispered to her. I simply couldn't bear it if he wasn't.

She smiled softly. "Yes, but only because of the Doors of Death. The final day of their battle was a day before ours. Sit down. You'll need to."

I did what i was told, along with my cousins. Hecate went on to tell us about Harry's life. With each story, my eyes got more and more watery. After the whole Deathly Hallows fiasco, i was silently crying. Hazel was crying as well.

A thought came to my mind, and no, it wasn't a good one. "Wait... Does that mean-" Hecate looked at me with sorrrow in her eyes. "Unfortunately so. Due to how recently he was killed, he doesnt need alot of time to get his power back. Harry, Ron, and Hermione along with the rest of their year are going back for a proper seventh year. You'd like to see your twin again, correct?" She smiled. I nodded.

"Wait. Does that mean...?" Hazel asked. Hecate smiled at her. "Yes. I would like the five of you to become my champions. Do you accept?" Jason was slightly reluctant, but nodded. Thalia nodded as well. Hazel, technically was already her champion so she just smiled. Nico nodded and smiled a bit. I was beaming and nodded. "When do we go?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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