🌦 Chapter Seventeen 🌦

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(I'm going to end this chapter but I will make a second book because if I don't it won't make sense in the story 👌)

I'm close to giving birth to our baby. Hayden Wolfhard will be here soon. I can't wait for him to get out of me. I mean I love him but god my huge! He's HUGE! I love him no matter what size! It just my back is hurting.

Finn is with Millie all the time. And I'm on my own most for most of the time. I'm glad they are happy. I have Hayden. And Noah got with Brynn. They have been together for a long time now. It's just me and Hayden. My parents still don't talk to me. They don't even know I'm pregnant.

I feel so alone right now. When Hayden comes I'll put him first. He will be better than me. He won't fall in love with a asshole. He will have a loving mom. I don't know about Finn. Finn I hope will be in his life.

He could be a great dad. If you truly tired. He's at a party with Millie and the stranger things class plus Brynn. They didn't even ask me. Rude ass people. I'm due any day now. I can't wait to meet him.

I walk into the kitchen. I put my dirty plate into the sink. I was eating pickles and peanut butter. Yummy in my tummy. But then I feel my pants be wet and I know it's time. "SHIT!" I yell. I run to my phone and call Brynn. "Hey!" I yell into the phone. "What I'm trying to party bitch!" She says. "I'm in labor BITCH!" I yell and I hear her scream. "Y/N IS IN LABOR!" I hear yells and running. I walk to my car and drive.

I know I shouldn't but what am I gonna do? I get there soon. I walk in and say "h-hey I'm y/n l/n. I'm in labor." I say and the woman get up from her chair and helps me to a room. She yells to people and soon I'm in a room laying in a hospital gown in a bed.

Soon enough The cast is stranger things and Brynn are here. "Took you long enough." I say. "We went to to your house first. Finn freaked out saying you shouldn't drive then we came here." Noah says. Finn rolls his eyes. "Hey y/n/n are you okay?" Finn asks softly. I nod my head and smile at him.

He smiles back and holds my hand. Millie looks kinda pissed but also scared for me. I'm scared for me. "Thanks for being here for me guys. All of you. Hayden will be in all of your life's." I say and they all smile. Even Millie. I know her and Finn will be in love and help raise Hayden.

The doctors come in and tell me how far I am. And all the jazz.

to when your is pushing

"FUCK!" I yell pushing. "ITS SO GROSS!" Noah yells. "I'm going to pass out." Brynn says. I push again and again this goes on for hours and hours. Till I hear a cry. I start to cry  and so does Finn. "ITS A BOY!" The doctor says smiling handing me Hayden. "Hey Hayden." I say smiling at him. I hear Finn breaking down next to me. The doctors take Hayden away to get him cleaned and everything.

Once that is done they bring him back. "Does the dad want to hold the baby?" The doctor asks and Finn nods. "You need to take to ur shirt off and we will put him on your chest." Finn does what he's told. Then they sit Hayden on his chest. Finn puts his hands on Hayden back and I smile.

This is why I'm in love with Finn. He why be the devil sometimes but he is a great person. I love him so much. Finn looks up at me and smiles. "I made this." Finn says and we laugh. Noah takes photos of us holding Hayden. "Name?" The nurse asks

"Hayden Evan Wolfhard."

The End

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