⛅️Chapter One 🌤

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I wake up in my bed dredging today. Today Brynn is making me go to an Calpurnia concert. This sucks because I don't like Finn Wolfhard. I mean yeah I loved It but still.. He seems cocky and so over all weird. I mean I never met the man but I don't like him.

I get up and check my phone seeing texts from "Crackhead" (aka Brynn)

CrackHead 😔🤷🏻‍♀️:
Hey bitch ready to see the hot man Finn

The only thing I'm ready to do is sleep

Stfu and get read hoe.

I sit my phone down and go to my bathroom and get in the shower. Then I get on brush my hair and teeth. After I go to my closet. "What to wear.." I whisper. I grab a orange sweat shirt and black ripped jeans. Then I do my makeup and by make up I mean a little mascara and chapstick. Then I check insta. I search up " Finn Wolfhard" and look at his account and roll my eyes. "Finn the big shot. Pfft he's so so so UGH." Deep down you kinda thought Finn was cute and cool but would never admit it. It's not like you and Finn would ever talk.

I walk down stair and get coffee (if you don't like coffee than change it). I see a note on the counter from mom and dad " Out in a business meeting we talked about be back on Monday. Xoxo Mom and Dad." (today is Saturday) I sigh and drink my coffee. I walk to the couch and turn on my childhood favorite show spongebob. I sit there and drink my coffee while waiting for Brynn to get her ass here.

•Time skip to when Brynn gets there•

I hear a knock at the door and get up to answer it. I see Brynn. She has a crop top, leggings, curled hair, and a full face of glam. "Sis your wearing that to meet the FINN WOLFHARD" She yells! "Yes I am bitch. I don't love him so I don't care about what he thinks of my outfit." I state and walk to the kitchen. "Your loss sweetie" she says. I laugh and pore her a cup of coffee with a lot of creamer and just a hint of milk. "Thanks sissy." "No problem." She grabs my arm and pulls me to the couch. "We leave in 30 mins to meet the love of my life!" She yells.

•Time skip to the car ride to the Calpurnia Concert •

I drive the car to the concert while Brynn plays Calpurnia with Bluetooth in my car. She smiles at me. She really loves Finn and I'm so happy she gets to meet him today. She's gonna have a blast but..will I? I hum to the song I've heard 1000 times before. Yes is know his songs because that's almost all Brynn plays. My favorite yes I have a favorite "Wasting Time" (if you don't like that one you can change it to your favorite) it just really speaks to me.

We finally arrive at the concert and Brynn is freaking out. "Y/n we are here AHHHH!" I cover my ears and laugh. We get out of the car and Brynn hugs me. "Thanks for coming with me y/n." She says soft smile on her lips. I say "Your welcome Brynn." We walk in to what I would figure out to be the best night of my life.

How was the first chapter!!!
I really like it!! I hope I get some views lol 😂
Imma start on the next chapter. Imma start meme of the day soon thanks guys ❤️
Send me a comment pls 😔❤️
Working on chapter 2 as we speak!!!

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