"Shhh." Daphne hushed Ruby before looking back at  Velma

"Shhh." Ruby hushed Shaggy before looking back at  Velma

"Shh." Shaggy hushed Scooby before turning back to Velma

Scooby turned to shush who was behind him, but once he saw the statue, moving, he immediately screamed.

"RGhost!! Ghost!!" Scooby shouted stumbling backwards a bit and getting everyone's attention

Everyone jumped the moment they saw the moving statue with glowing eyes. 

"Boo." Ezekial said, waving the hand of the statue he was in at the group

Everyone got up and ran for an exit but the statue Prudence was in came through the door, preventing their escape.

"Going somewhere?"  Prudence ominously said

Fred then had a plan and stepped out into an open area of the gym.

"Hey? How bout playing a few downs with me?" Fred asked, hoping one of the ghosts would try to fight him, allowing the others to escape

Prudence stepped forward to challenge Fred.

Shaggy, Daphne, Ruby,  Velma, and Scooby used this chance to get away. Ruby, Velma, and Daphne took a right and Shaggy and Scooby took a left.

"After them." Prudence told to Ezekial

Ezekial ran through the door, looked around, and went the direction Daphne, Velma, and Ruby went.

"Hey, come on." Fred taunted to Prudence

"Care to play around?" Prudence responded as she rushed at Fred

Fred then jumped right over the possessed statue.


"You think we lost him?" Ruby asked as her, Daphne, and Velma were running for their lives

"I don't think so." Daphne responded as she brought the two into a room full of play costumes

Once they came to a stop in the costume room, they saw what they thought was The Specter. 

"The Specter!" Daphne shouted as Ruby punched what was really a statue dressed identical to The Specter. "..costume??"

Velma looked back and pulled the two along and said, Come on, let's go!"


Back in the gym, in the fight between Fred and Prudence, the two were circling eachother. Fred dodged another ramming attempt.

"All right, no ore playing around. Come at me. Come on." Fred taunted

The ghost ran at Fred and the moment she was close enough, Fred decked the statue making it's head spin. The ghost eventually got it's head straight.


Back in the play costume closet, Ezekial was looking through the racks of costumes.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." Ezekial taunted

They were in a corner. Hopeless. r that's what they thought until Ruby spotted a horse costume so big, it would need three people to operate properly. One person for the head, one for the front legs, and one for the back legs.

"I have an idea." Ruby said gesturing to the costume

Ezekial was still looking through the racks of costumes.  Eventually, after he couldn't find the three he went after, he gave up and left the statue making it collapse to the ground, lifeless like it was originally.

"Next time, ladies." Ezekial said as he left the room by going through the ceiling then to hide somewhere else in the building for now

The moment the ghost had left, the three then used the horse costume to at least get to the door of the costume room before getting out of the costume and running for the exit.


Back in the gym, Fred had managed to knock Prudence onto the ground/

"Is that all you got?" Fred asked, tauntingly

Prudence then got up and said,"Let's try a different game.

The moment Prudence moved her arms, the doors to the gym supply closet swung open. She moved her arms again and the net came flying out.

"Uh oh." Fred said

The net then pinned Fred against a wall with a safety rigging handle. Prudence then prepped herself to ram Fred in the chest. Fred grabbed the safety rigging handle and hit his fist on the button and got lifted up at the last second causing Prudence to hit the wall and the ghost getting forced out of the statue by force and the statue went limp again and lifeless.

"Yeah! Now THAT'S how a Cougar does it!" Fred said, triumphantly


Outside the school, Daphne, Velma, and Ruby came running out, followed by Fred shortly after but no sign of Shaggy and Scooby yet and they thought the two already got out. Once Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Ruby were a safe distance away, there was an explosion and two large flames that looked like Prudence and Ezekial's faces.

"And never come back!!!" Ezekial shouted as the four ran

The two ghosts laughed menichally as the four friends ran off.

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