Alfaaz 19: Bepannaah (Unsheltered)

Start from the beginning


Zoya sat near the closed window. It was raining heavily and she was not allowed to open the windows to make sure that she didn’t get sick because of the rain water. Sahir was in his office room on a video conference with the heads of different departments and service chains all around the world. Zoya closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the rain. She missed standing in the rain, dancing in the rain. A lone tear escaped her eye.
Zoya felt a hand on her shoulder and she opened her eyes. It was Sahir. Zoya smiled.
Sahir: Why are you crying, Zoya?
Zoya: I am not crying. I was just listening to the rain. It made me feel emotional.
Sahir: Do you miss it?
Zoya: More than you can imagine.
Sahir: There will be rain every year, Zoya. You will be able to stand in it next year as well.
Zoya: But it won’t ever be this year’s rain, Sahir.
Zoya smiled sadly.


Zoya was sitting in her room when Sahir came in calling her name.
Sahir: Zoya.
Zoya smiled.
Sahir: I have something to show you.
Zoya: What?
Sahir: It’s outside. So, I will have to carry you there.
Zoya: I can walk, Sahir
Sahir: No, we cant take that risk, Zoya. The garden is drenched in rain water.
Zoya: Okay.
Sahir softly lifted Zoya in his arms and started walking out of the room and then out of the house. Zoya looked at the garden and the meadow. What she saw there stunned her. There was a glasshouse in the garden. It was the size of a room with a bed and a lamp inside it. Zoya looked at Sahir with wide eyes.
Zoya: What is this, Sahir?
Sahir: A glasshouse so that you can stay inside and watch the rain up close. It’s built in such a way that neither would you feel cold nor would there be a lightning strike.
Zoya: But why?
Sahir: You wanted to be in the rain. So here it is.
Zoya smiled and cried at the same time. She couldn’t believe Sahir. He kept on surprising her every time.
Sahir and Zoya waited inside the glass house for a long time and still there was no rain. The sky was clear with the moon and stars. The clouds were scattered in the night sky.
Zoya: I think we should just go back, Sahir. There is no rain today.
Sahir: Yeah. I guess so. I will be back in sometime.
Sahir went out. Zoya waited for him and suddenly it started raining. Zoya looked at the rain drops and then around and what she found, made her jaw drop. Sahir was standing outside the glass house with a pipe in his hands and was showering water over the glass house. Zoya didn’t know what to do or say.
Zoya: You are out of your mind, Sahir.
Sahir showed action like he cant hear her. Zoya smiled and murmured I love you to him. Sahir kept on showering water for some more time and then, he switched the motor off and came inside.
Zoya: I don’t believe you.
Sahir smiled widely.
Sahir: So, did you enjoy the rain in the moonlight, begum jaan?
Zoya smiled.
Zoya: Yes, I did.
Sahir: We shouldn’t trust the clouds all the time, Zoya. Sometimes we should just act.
Zoya: Yes. Sure, we should.
Suddenly, it started raining heavily. Zoya looked at the rain and smiled.
Sahir: So, how are we going to go back now?
Zoya: Let’s just stay here for some more time, Sahir.
Sahir and Zoya laid on the bed inside the glass house and watched the rain. Zoya’s baby bump was visible now. She softly touched it and thanked God for that moment, for this life and prayed for her child and Sahir. Sahir hugged Zoya softly and pulled her to his chest. Zoya laid on his torso and looked at the rain and listened to his heart beats. Sahir Azeem Chaudhry was Zoya’s whole wide world and she didnt want anything more than being with him and their child. Zoya closed her eyes and smiled.


Zoya and Sahir were standing in the garden. The evening was beautiful after the rain and there were many birds on the small trees. Zoya was six and a half months pregnant. She could walk but she was starting to get tired very fast these says. The last 2 months were easy for her but now, things were getting a bit tougher. Sahir tended to the flowers and Zoya watched him.
Sahir: Who do you think Zohira will look like, Zoya? Me or you?
Zoya: I am not sure. But I want her to look like you. Abbu’s little Zohira.
Zoya smiled. Suddenly, Zoya felt a kick in her belly. The child had kicked for the first time. She touched her stomach in surprise.
Zoya: Sahir, the baby. It kicked. Zohira kicked.
Sahir turned around in surprise and looked at Zoya. He smiled and his eyes teared up.
Sahir: Really?
Zoya: Yes, Sahir.
Sahir washed his hands and walked towards Zoya and softly touched her baby bump.
Sahir: Zohira, baby.
Sahir couldn’t control his tears and his voice choked. Zoya had tears in her eyes. She smiled.
Zoya: Do you want to talk to her, Sahir?
Sahir nodded.
Sahir bend down and sat on his knees. He raised Zoya’s salwar a bit and kept his face on her bare belly. He hugged her softly. Sahir tried to listen to his child. He talked in a very low voice.
Sahir: Zohira, I think you are Zohira. But it doesn’t matter if you are Zohir or Zohira. Abbu will always love you and will always protect you. Abbu will give you everything you want, anything you need. Abbu will always be there for you, Abbu promise. But you have to promise me something too. You should always love your Ammi more. She is struggling a lot for you. You should never forget that. Your Ammi should always be above everything else for you. I love you, baby. Abbu loves you so much.
Sahir’s eyes teared up and tears fell from them. Zoya felt his tears on her skin. Zoya touched Sahir’s head softly.
Zoya: Are you crying, Sahir? Please don’t cry. What happened?
Zoya’s voice was trembling. Sahir wiped his tears and got up. He smiled.
Sahir: Thank you, Zoya. Thank you so much. You can’t imagine how happy I am now. I don’t want anything else in this world. I have got everything I need right here in my arms.
Sahir cupped Zoya’s face and looked in to her eyes. Zoya wiped Sahir’s tears away.
Zoya: You are the one whom I should be thanking, Sahir. For loving me so much. This whole life wont be enough to love you back. I love you so much.
Zoya broke down and Sahir hugged her softly.
Sahir: We are going to be happy, Zoya. You, me and our baby.

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