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i called the doctor in not too long after

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i called the doctor in not too long after. he gave me a sad smile considering he saw jaemin walk out crying.

"we'll take you to the room then. don't worry we've done this multiple times before so you'll be fine" he assured me when he noticed my nervous state, i just nodded and he motioned for the nurses to guide my bed outside and in the direction of the room.

outside i saw all my friends there, eunjo gave me a sad smile and mouthed and 'you'll be okay'. i spotted jaemin sobbing and mumbling "it's all my fault" over and over again.

i looked away, it's not like this is life threatening or anything. it's just taking away the best memories possible and my best friend. i started to cry again and the nurse stroked my hair assuring me that everything will be okay soon.

when i got in the room, they injected the anesthesia and i quickly fell asleep.

haechan pov

jaemin walked out of her hospital room, crying. chaerin ran up and engulfed him in a hug.

"jaem don't blame yourself, you didn't know but don't blame her for not telling you either" she tried to assure him.

he just walked over to one of the chairs in the corner and sat with his head in his arms mumbling about how he still blamed himself.

we then saw yoonhye getting taken to the surgery place. i stared at her until she was out of sight. my heart hurting. i started coughing too.

"i love you yoonhye please give me a chance once you're okay" i mumbled but eunjo seemed to have heard and she immediately grabbed my shoulders.

"OH MY GOD HYUCK WHY DID YOU NOT INFORM US SOONER" i was slightly panicked and confused by the nickname she hasn't used since high school.

everyones attention turned to us and i stammered unable to say anything.

"wait that made it sound bad, haechan this is a good thing don't worry. just tell her and then we can recover this friend group a lot sooner than expected" she smiled at me and i just scratched the back of my head, blushing, nervous to tell her how i felt even if it'll help me with my hanahaki.

i coughed a little and the red petals fell out. eunjo then engulfed me in a hug.

"not you too, but it's okay. she's already crazy comfortable around you and you'll be a cute couple. hyunjin agrees with me" the rest were looking at like we were weirdos but eventually caught on, hyunjin nodded at me for the last bit too.


yoonhyes surgery went successfully and we were all waiting for her to wake up. well all of us but chaerin who had to go home earlier because her parents called her.

we noticed her eyes slowly open and squint due to the bright light

yoonhye pov

i opened my eyes once to see the bright lights again. i squinted due to the brightness and waited for my eyes go adjust. seungmin and eunjo were at my bedside smiling.

renjun and jeno smiled at me as well but from a distance. haechan was beside them and a light blush creeped on his face. he looked nervous and flustered which was kinda cute.

but beside him was someone i didn't recognize. i mean i remember him always being with us but theres no feeling inside me that draws me towards him to remember who he is.

i guess everyone noticed me looking at him in confusion because all their expressions dropped. he sighed

"im glad you're okay" and with that, the mysterious boy left

"im glad you're okay" and with that, the mysterious boy left

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this story is almost done ouuu

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