The Boy Without A Name

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Author: Mander_Pander


Worthless. Unloved. Pathetic.

Abuse is all he knows. That, and the fact that he's sixteen years old - or so his brother claims. Don't ask him for his name. He doesn't have one, nor does he derserve one. For years, "the boy" has been living in his family's basement, locked up and hidden from the eyes of the world known as the Outside.

Until one day, when someone notices him sitting in the window to his basement.

After assisting him with a daring escape, the boy find himself  in the care of a mysterious girl in a brand new enviromment.

Through his heart-wrenching (and occasionally amusing) struggle to understand to understand the world, and his quest to hide from his angered family, he discovers what it's like to be human. All the while conquering the mental and physical strains accompanying his time in the basement, he unveils a mystery about his past that keeps people questioning until the very end.

Who is the boy without a name?



This is one of the rare books that had me cry my eyes out. The mystery of finding out his name and the voice he keeps hearing got me pulling off an all-nighter until I figured it out. This book will not disappoint you in anyway. Its by far the best book I've read this year.



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