My Sexy Kidnapper

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Author: livingthethuglyfe


Picture this:

You enter the mall with your friends, and as you're making your way to Abercombie and Fitch, you notice a guy walking towards you. Not just any guy, but an Abercombie and Fitch model worthy guy.

Yum right? 

As he come closer, he gives you a heart stopping smirk, then takes you by surprise. He pulls you into a headlock, jabs a gun to your temple, and run away with you.

If I'm correct, I think an Abercombie model just kidnapped me.

Exciting or life-threatning?



One of my all time fav! Everytime she updates and I finish the chapter, i practically sit around every night waiting for the next one. I love "HOT,SEXY, DROOLING" kidnapper books and this is no exception.


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