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Lia softly placed her hand on his face as they drove. Her nerves were ticking and she still wasn't sure if this was the right choice. "What's your name ? A-and where are we going?" She says to Noah and Noah looked at her through the mirror.

"My names Noah and like I said we are going to the house." He smiled at her through the mirror and Lia bit her lip nervously.

She looked down at Ace , his head on her lap and she frowned at him. Though he was breathing it wasn't the best and that only made her worry more.

When they got to their destination, they dragged him to the inside with help of boys and girls who she's never seen before. They placed in him a hospital like bed and a lady with a gown helped him . "What is going on.." she mumbles as she watches all the people staring at her.

"Noah who's this?" A guy says as he looks her up and down hungrily.

"Lia. Don't even fucking think about it or I'll cut off your fingers." Noah said with a smirk as they finally managed to get Ace's reports back . He was doing fine and just needed to get some rest . Though from the movement from the car , his wound opened up .

Lia looked away from the crowd and walls over to Ace. "H-he's gonna be fine right?" She says to the doctor and the doctor nodded her head with a smile.

"You must be Lia Andrews. Also the princess I hear." Lia nodded her head with a short smile.
"How about Noah takes you home okay? He's gonna be fine." Lia looked at her with pleading eyes.

She didn't want to leave Ace. "I-I wanna stay."

"Lia lets go!" Noah calls out for her and she huffed . She just got here! "Lia." He said in a warning tone and she glares at him.

"Fine!" She looks back down to Ace and kissed his cheek before walking with Noah.


The next morning Lia was awaken by Carson shaking her.

She had successfully made it home and even though people were asking questions , Noah said she was not aloud to say anything  . "Where were you? Where's Ace?"

Lia didn't want to lie to Carson even though Noah told her she couldn't say anything. "This guy.. he took him and said that he was his friend . He's alive and well as far as I know." Lia mumbles out as she goes over to her closet .

"We should call the police right?" Carson asked with worry and Lia shook her head.

"We can't. I... I think Ace didn't something really bad . I'm not really sure." She bites the inside of her cheek as she grabbed an outfit.

"Are you okay ? How are you?" Those words made Lia whimper and she broke in a cry as she shook her head and Carson immediately hugged her. She cried because she couldn't keep up with what was going and for Ace. Her first friend. "You're gonna be fine shh. Let's get to school. Ace is gonna be okay." Carson sprouted as she helped Lia pick an outfit.

Though Lia was fully keen to her thoughts , she had to have faith that he would be okay . She wished she got that guys number so she could come back and see him . She would just have to wait now.

When Lia was done and fully dressed , though her outfit wasn't really all the pretty in her words , she walked downstairs not before hearing Lilith. "Gina! That kids a monster. Do you see what time she came home last night?"

"Please Lilith. She's a growing teen just let her live her life. And don't tell me how to raise my daughter , I'm sick of hearing you say such absurd things." Gina says as she gets her purse on and checks herself in the mirror.

Lilith simply glared at her but covered it up with a smile. "You're right. I'm just worried about my granddaughter. But also remember , the shame you allow will be your fault on this family." Lilith said with a low scowl and she walked away to the kitchen.

Carson looked at Lia with wide eyes and Lia sighed . She was use to her mother and grandmothers bickering but it was more embarrassing when her friend hears it. Lia made her way down fully and grabbed her green bag.

"Are ready to tell me what happened yesterday?" Gina says to her daughter but she didn't want her mother to worry so she covered it up with a smile.

"Mom I told you. I was with Ace and Carson ." Her mother knew Lia more than anyone and she knew when she was lying . Hopefully she will tell . Her mother simply thought as she kissed her cheek.

Soon they started thierdrive to school.


Pulling up to school , Lia regretted it all. She didn't see the familiar Ace and that only made her whimper. Sebastian came to her with wide eyes and pulled her into a hug. "Hey what happened ? Where'd you go yesterday?"

Carson simply shook her head at Sebastian. "I'll tell you later." She said to Sebastian who nodded his head and released Lia.

He simply smiled at the little girl in front of him before thumping her forehead. "O-Ow what the hell ... I-I meant heck!" She covers her mouth as she looked at her friends .

Carson and Sebastian looked at each other before laughing at her and pinching her cheek. "The innocent girl said her first curse word! I think we are rubbing on her Sebastian what do you think?"

"I fucking agree." He smirked and Lia blushes as she swipes there hands away with a glare.

"Not a good thing!" She yells with a smile . Carson was happy she sorta lifted her mood and they started walking to class.

Meanwhile Noah was eating an apple as he watched his boss on the bed. "Man you need to wake up. This isn't funny anymore." Noah sighs as he looks at his friend .

Ace was breathing normally but still hasn't wakened up. Though his mind right now was hectic...

Ace looked at his mother with a smile. "Mom... please don't go to that party . You're gonna miss the show."

His mother smiled at him. Though they wasn't going to party like Ace thought. They were going to there deaths and they didn't even know it. "We have plenty of days to watch it boy." His father said with a smirk and he nocked his chin.

Ace sighed as he played with his toys. "Fine !" He huffed and his parents hugged him , giving him kisses on his face making him burst into laughter. "S-stop!" He giggles out as they laughed at their son and kisses his cheek.

"We'll be back. When Maria says to sleep then you will sleep." Her mother warned as she walked to the door.

"Alrighty." He chirped as waves at his parents. They wave back to him and soon they left .

Memories he thought he would have would end in just a matter of hours yet no one knew.

Ace raised from his bed . Sweating and panting at the nightmare. Though the dreamed seemed sweet he thought of it as his worst nightmare. "Gah! You scared me seriously." Noah screeches as he drops his phone.

Ace looked around before huffing with anger.

He was going to kill them once an for all.

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