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I guess she spoke too soon.

"Everyone welcome Sebastian Moore! He's come from London." Sebastian simply smiled at everyone and the girls instantly love him.

In all truth , the guy was a bad boy who smokes in school! What's there to love about him? "Take your seat next to those boys over there." The teacher says and Sebastian did so.

Lia shook her head as she looked back at the board. She was... uninterested. "Alright guys. So next week , we are taking a little trip to the Florence College. I know you're all most adults but I need some approval that'll it be okay for you to attend for the next weekend ."

Lia's ears perked up. A whole weekend where she won't have to be with her grandmother? Lord knows Lilith won't be staying for just a few weeks. Possibly would be staying for at least two months!

For the next couple of minutes the class had finished and Lia was ready for lunch. She wondered where she was going to have to sit since Ace and her are not on speaking terms. "C-Carson can I sit with you today?" She begs out with a lip out.

"Can't do . I have early basketball practice ." Lia frowned as she watched her friend leave. Maybe Lia was being dramatic about the whole Ace thing ?

She shook head and proceeded to lunch. Once she grabbed her lunch she sat down with a huff. Ace was nowhere to be seen which ticked her. "Yo trouble in paradise girl!" A voice she dreaded not to hear anymore , speaks up . Lia looks up and sees Sebastian walking over to her with a tray full of food.

"I-I have a name. You know that." She mumbles out as he takes the seat in front of her. Sebastian showed a goofy grin before devouring into his burger.

"Yeah... mmm sorry I forgot it. What was it?" Lia glared at him as she was about to stand up but he brought her right back down. "I'm kidding Lia ." He chuckles as takes a sip of her drink.

Lia sat back down with a pout and then started to dig into her food. "So I hear you are also new. Someone says you had cancer? Fuck . That really fucking sucks." Lia shielded her ears at the foul language and glared at him.

"Don't say any bad words!" She yells at him and he looks at her before turning into a laughing mess.

"Alright alright." Lia sighed in relief as she removed her covered ears. "Well did you fucking know that people at this school already fucking love me!"

Lia ears were hot and she shook her , grabbing her headphones and pulling them into her ears. She played her favorite song on and ate in peace. Then she felt a hand on her waist , slightly startling her but she looks up and sees Ace with a soft smile. She removes her headphones and looks up at him.

"Baby. I've been looking for you. Why aren't you sitting with me today?" He says as he sits down next to her and touched her cheek softly.

"B-Because I'm mad at you Bunny." She whimpers out as she turns the other way. Though she was happy he was here.

Ace sighed deeply and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry. You're right , you're a big girl and can protect yourself so I won't do it again I promise." Ace glances at Sebastian and Sebastian was looking at them with a grin on his face.

"Fine I forgive you. But please don't keep secrets from me. It really bothers me." She whispers as she hugs him back. Ace simply kissed her forehead and nodded his head.

"Baby who is this?" He asks as he looks at Sebastian with a glare.

"Sebastian , he transferred today." Lia smiled as she departed from the hug and continued eating. Ace looked at Sebastian with a look. It looks could kill then he would be dead.

Though he was mostly mad that any boy would dare sit with her . Even though he made it clear to all the boys at this school , he would have to do something about Sebastian. "Trouble in paradise eats so fucking sloppy."

Lia blushed as she wiped her cheeks and glared at him. "I have a name it's Lia and stop saying bad words !" She was really angry this time with Sebastian which he just laughed and shook his head.

"Never . Going . To . Happen." He speaks with a smirk making Lia more furious. She gets up from her chair and storms her way out. She officially hated Sebastian .


When it was the end of the day , Lia took a glance outside and saw her personal car waiting for her and her bodyguards. Ugh.. this is going to be so embarrassing. She was about to walk over there but she got tripped and landed on her knees. She hisses as she looked up and saw Sebastian grinning at her "Oops sorry!" He playful says as he helps her up.

Though she was about to cry she wanted to hold it in but she couldn't . She let the tears fall . Sebastian looked at her seriously and looked her up and down. "Hey I was just joking around no need to cry ."

Lia wipes her tears and sniffs softly as she grabs her bag. Like before she was sensitive and for him to make fun of her like that only angered her more. "Well it wasn't funny! I hate you !" She raises her noes high and glares at him.

Sebastian simply raised a brow at her and watched her walk away. "See you later Trouble in Paradise!"

She shook her head as she got into the car.

"What happened here ? Did you fall?" Fay asks with a worried look. Lia only huffed an answer and looked outside.


When they got home Lilith had a smile on her face. Which really meant she either wanted something or she was just genuinely smiley. "Welcome home dear! We made cake , you want some?" Lilith says as she smiles at her granddaughter.

"I-I have homework . Where's mom?" She asks as she looks around , her mom nowhere in sight .

"She's on a date! Can you believe it after six years?" Lia felt a pain in her chest but nonetheless she was also happy that her mother is moving on.

Lia nodded her head and was about to go upstairs but Lilith stopped her. "I don't like you hanging around that boy." Ah there she is. She never likes anything I do!

Lia felt the tears coming once again and she ran up stairs to her bedroom where she knew her grandmother wouldn't come in.

She had a long day.

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