Chapter 8

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-authors pov

"where were you?"

"i was captured by the armed detective agency.... they know" y/n said biting her lip not knowing what kind of reaction to expect from her boss. "very well" mori's voice echoed through the room as his expression remained neutral. "you're dismissed"

"i have a question" y/n spoke up making eye contact with the crimson orbed man and clenching her fists. this could be seen as disrespectful by many, even mori was surprised at the girls boldness. "would you have sent reinforcements if i didn't escape?" she inquired as the male's eyes shined.

"not really.... you're not disposable but port mafia could manage without you.. we can't spare any troops" he said answering thoughtfully. y/n smiled at that and bowed. her reaction caught mori off guard a bit but he brushed it off. it was y/n after all.

her footsteps echoed around the room as she walked out. "not disposable, huh?"


"too slow!" dazai yelled at the h/c-ette as he knocked her out with a punch. y/n cursed as she collided with the ground, blood rushing down her face. she immediately stood up as the violet static around her glitched. dazai smirked at her, completely unharmed.

y/n got in a battle stance as dazai readied himself as well. the girl rushed towards the older male as he dodged her rather fast and straight attack. y/n smirked at that, appearing behind him. from far it looked like teleportation. that's how fast she was. but dazai being dazai predicted her moves way ahead and kicked her before she could strike him.

she fell to the ground panting. "stand up" dazai ordered as y/n strained but wasn't able to get on her feet. "i said stand up!" dazai yelled. "fuck..." y/n muttered as she felt her body give out under her. she pushed too hard. that last attack was her adrenaline working and now even that gave up.

dazai tched at her and lifted her up with his arm. her clothes were soaked with blood and she had blood rushing down her face. even still she managed to grit her teeth at dazai as her eyes shone with determination.

"maybe if you weren't so weak you'd actually beat me" he said, reading her mind.

"i don't have to prove shit to you.." she managed to croak out and then groaned when dazai threw her over his shoulder. the male just ignored her and started walking to her room. y/n was confused as to why he wasn't taking her to the infirmary but was too worn out to question the brown haired male.

as they arrived dazai set the girl on her bed, his eyes going to her easel. "you paint?" he asked, looking at the exhausted girl from the corner of his eye. she didn't answer and shifted on her side, wincing from the pain so she did so. dazai sighed.

"your ability works by shifting the molecules of your body at an inhuman speed right? so you can speed up your healing process too... heal your own wounds, i'll check in the morning" he said, his eyes not moving from the lonely abandoned easel. "i can't.." y/n whispered and started coughing blood out.


"i can't h-heal myself... that's not h-how my ability works" she said, her eyes  fluttering close. "don't you think i would've already done it.. if.... i.... could..." her voice faded as she passed out. "but mori-san said..."

the door to mori's office slammed open as as dazai barged in, his brows furrowed. "what's l/n-san's true ability?" he voiced boomed in the empty room. mori, who was persuading elise to wear another dress for him, looked up from behind her and smiled at dazai.

"i should've known you would've figured out sooner or later" he said standing up and dusted the dirt off his pants. dazai gritted his teeth at his boss. not knowing y/n's ability ticked him off big time. what if he gave her the wrong training? what if giving the wrong training damaged her more than needed? what if it was something very powerful? what if....

"time flows... right?" mori voiced out tapping his chin. "i don't know" he said his smiled widening as he looked at dazai with closed eyes. dazai clenched and unclenched his fists at his boss. "she never told... she refused to actually, she said it didn't matter since the only useful thing she can get out of it is super speed. i didn't care enough to ask more.. as long as she's useful to the mafia" he said his smile turning into a smirk.

dazai sighed and shoved his hands in his pocket. "all right then" he muttered to himself and walked out. mori just smiled at his back. this was infinitely amusing for him. 'dazai wanting to know about that girl huh? maybe i would've sent reinforcements after all'


y/n woke up in a hospital bed. her vision blurred from the bright light as she squinted at and and groaned. she then covered her face with her covers and tried to go back to sleep.

"oi! wake up! my ass is numb from sitting here!" a voice from outside the blanket yelled as the person tried to snatch it off of the female. "leave mE ALONE!" she yelled at the person, holding onto the blanket for dear life. after an intense battle of tug of war the person outside won as y/n was met with furious violet orbs.

"go away" she spat at chūya as a tick mark appeared on his head. " HAAH?! i waited for you to wake up! the least you can do is thank me!" he yelled at the girl as her eyes widened. "you waited... for me..?" she questioned as chūya realized the gravity of his words. (haha get it? ok bye-)

"not like t-that you stupid bitch.." he said turning away and crossing his arms over his cheats, a small tint of pink covering his cheeks. y/n's cheeks puffed out from holding in her laugh as chūya stood up to yell at her. suddenly a certain brown haired man entered the room.

"yo!" he said enthusiastically. chūya groaned at the male's presence as he sat back down. the male's eyes went to the injured girl. 'how does his whole demeanor change like that...' she thought to herself. they made eye contact as dazai smiled at her. she just rolled her eyes.

"l/n-san~~ i have to talk to you about something~~~" he chirped sitting next to her bed across form chūya. "what?" she snapped at him, still mad at him from training. but it was his job so she'll have to get over it.

"it's about you're ability" dazai said, his tone dropping in to a serious one. y/n's eyes widened for a split second as she shook her head. "no.." she muttered looking away. "get out" she then said, grabbing chūya's attention as well who was uninterested up till now. "but l/n-san how do you expect me to train you if i don't know what your ability truly is?" dazai said glancing at all her injuries, a small smiled decorating his face.

y/n looked up to meet his eyes, all light vanished from them as dazai was also caught off guard by this expression. she clenched her fist as both the males could tell she was trying very hard not to strike at dazai.

"then don't"

a/n: uh ya i updated a tad bit late? I WAS WATCHING HAIKYUU BRO ITS SO LONG. not complaining doe. ik i'm late and shit but stfu let me be HAHAHA. ok ya it's pretty awesome. like i'm confident i can play volleyball now... ok no nvm. i've got so much planned for you guys in this story hehehehehe. THANYOU FOR READING

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