Part Eighty-Eight

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You thought the last chapter chewed up your mind, spit it out then ate it again like Luke eating pizza, well get ready because I'm about to blow your mind to smithereens.

Take a while to prepare yourself.

“Ashton get up here!”

Stunned I looked up at the boys who were watching me in confusion.

“You’re like the only kid at North Shore that can play a drum I’d rather as Coach Carr if we’re being fucking honest but please get up here!” Michael snapped.

Confused I shuffled forward onto the stage.

“Thank you.” Michael hissed, “Dumb ass.”

Frowning, I turned around in a slow circle.

“Well,” Michael scoffed, “Sit down.”

My cheeks burning bright red, I shuffled over to my drum skit and sat down.

“Are you going to start the show or just stand there like idiots?” A girl in the audience huffed.

“We are!” Luke said loudly, “Five hundred years of win…”

“Luke shut the hell up.” Michael groaned, “Ashton, introduce us.”

Shaking my head in disbelief I took a deep breath before shouting, “We are! Five Seconds Of Summer!”

I then promptly began banging on the drums, causing to Michael to turn around and stare at me wide eyed.

“What?”I mouthed.

“You don’t suck.” He said slowly.

Smirking, I twirled my drumstick however dropped the remote which was sitting on my lap in the process, causing it to tumble to the ground.

Hoping no one saw, I looked up, however I wasn’t in the bar anymore, but in the bus.

“Truth or dare?”

My eyes widening, I looked down at Mini who was fussing in my arms.

“Oh my God.” I breathed.

Holding her close against me I inhaled her familiar scent, and rubbed my large hands over her small back reassuring myself that she was there.

“Ashton truth or dare?” Calum laughed.

“No!” I cried realization washing over me, I could kill two birds with one stone, I could stop Destiny from taking nudes and get Mini to the hospital in time.

“What are you doing?” Michael demanded.

“We have to go!” I cried, “We have to go now!”

“What, where?” Luke questioned.

“The hospital!” I said, looking down at Minnie and making sure she was still okay, “Stop the bus!”

“Ashton what are you on about?” Destiny questioned.

“Stop the bus!” I shouted, “Minnie is sick! She’s going to die if we don’t get her to a hospital now!”

“Ashton are you feeling okay?” Calum said slowly.

Ignoring them, I ran to the front of the bus and tapped our driver on the shoulder.

“Take us to the nearest hospital. Now.” I ordered.

His eyes wide, he began driving faster before pulling to a stop outside a large hospital. Not waiting for the others who were muttering about me, I ran out of the bus and inside the hospital to the front desk.

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