I hate glitter

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I hate glitter
I hate how it gets everywhere
On my hands
In my hair
In my veins.
I hate glitter
I hate how it infects everything I do
Video games
I hate glitter.
I hate how you can't get rid of it
Clings to my hands
And my heart
And my head.
I hate glitter
When I listen to music all I think of
When I'm asleep all I dream of
Whenever I write it's about
I hate glitter.
I used to love it
But now it's grating
It makes me anxious
And I wish I could get away from it.
Glitter clings to everything it touches
People love glitter
People think glitter is beautiful
And exciting
And fun
I know that glitter is shallow
And shiny
And unfeeling.
I'm addicted to glitter.
I snort it every day and when I don't get enough
I throw a fit.
I hate glitter because it doesn't need me
I hate glitter because of how it makes me feel
I hate glitter because it's wasteful
I hate glitter
But I need it.

Cringey couplets and pathetic poemsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن