Make The First Move - Andy Leo

Start from the beginning

Changing into a plain black t-shirt and sweatpants, he heard some voices coming from the front of the bus. He knew one of those voices right away.

The one he's so attracted to.

Part of him wanted to stay in the bathroom, not come out. He wouldn't know what to even say to her. His heart raced just thinking about her, anticipating the way she would look at him as he would make his way into the front lounge.

He could just head to his bunk and call it a night. The bathroom at least was next to the back lounge and not the front. She wouldn't see him.

"Where's Andy?"

Oh god, she asked where he is. Now he can't hide.


She asked about him?

"He should be just about done in the shower, I'm sure he'd be out any minute."

He sighed to himself, 'Thanks, Brandon. Blew my cover.'

Now he had to make his appearance in the same room as her. He just needed a few minutes to compose himself.

Which he did by quickly blow-drying his hair. He usual doesn't blow-dry his hair, but he just needed a few minutes.

Okay, now he was ready. Well, not entirely; his heart was still racing. But he had to come out of the bathroom.

He finally opened the door, stepping out and coming to the front lounge.

"I heard my name?" he asked, almost immediately thinking he could have easily said something better than that.

She looked at him, meeting his eyes. He could feel his heartbeat in his throat at this point.

"There's something I gotta show you," she said, a bit quieter than she usually speaks.

He nodded as she stood up, signalling for him to follow her.

Maybe it was something on the bus. He honestly had no idea what was going on.

The bus door closed behind them as it was now almost completely dark outside; the only lights were coming from the windows of the bus with the shutters pulled down.

"Come on," she said, heading out further behind the venue where the buses were parked. They were in a little grassy area. Her phone was out to be used as a flashlight until she found a good spot. It was a dry night. There was only a light breeze and the temperature was just perfect; no need for a jacket and not hot outside. It was nice.

She fumbled with her phone to find a place to put it for their own light as the flashlight showed something he hadn't seen before.

Her flannel pants had creeped up a bit as she sat down, revealing a Crown The Empire tattoo on her ankle, the logo clear as day. He's never noticed it. Then again, she always wore tall socks or tall shoes.

He chuckled lightly, blushing as he sat next to her, "So, Y/N, how long have you had that tattoo?"

Now she was the one blushing, "I... Uh... Four years, I think?"

Scratching the back of his neck, he was even more nervous, now that she was nervous, too, "How come you didn't show us?"

"I just thought it'd be awkward. Kinda like a fangirl thing to show the band you're touring with that you have a tattoo for them," she lightly laughed, nervous herself.

He raised an eyebrow, "A fangirl? Don't tell me-"

"No, I didn't ever have a fan account or anything," she spoke before he finished.

"That's not what I was gonna ask," he smiled.

Holy shit, he was actually talking to her.

He continued, "I meant a fangirl as in, shaking when you meet your favorite bands, hoping you'd marry your favorite member, that kind of fangirl?"

She laughed at his question. Not the type of laugh of mocking or anything. It was a nervous laughter but she definitely thought it was funny for him to bring up and word it the way he did.

She thought it was cute of him.

"Well, I wasn't, but it feels like I'm turning into one," she paused, "I guess I'm a little shaky."

Why was she shaky? If anything, it surprised him that he wasn't the one that was shaky.

He didn't want to push further, didn't want to risk making it awkward, "So what did you want to show me?"

It clearly wasn't the stars; it was too cloudy.

"I, um," she started, struggling to find the words, "I've just noticed you've been really shy with me and I was just wondering if... it's because..."

That's when he felt her fingers slowly come in contact with his hand as she was trying to finish her sentence. His stomach was twisting in knots from the butterflies.

He had to do something.

Before she was able to finally let her hand lay on his, he gently grabbed it, making his move.

Their fingers intertwined with each other as they looked at each other, only being able to see each other's faces from the phone light.

Both of their faces were red.

'Say something,' he thought.

"Do you..." she started.

He knew what she was going to ask. It was clear that she caught on to his shyness towards her. It was way past obvious at this point.

"Like you? Yes," he finished, biting his lip nervously, "But do you like me?"

She smiled softly, "Yeah, a lot, actually."

He smiled in return, beyond happy with the response. He never expected this to happen. God, this felt like being in middle school with how cheesy it was to confess feelings to someone. He didn't mind, though.

She never expected this to happen, either.

This still wasn't asking out. He needed to ask her out.

He could still make that first move.

"When we're in Seattle tomorrow, would you wanna get lunch somewhere before we have to be at the venue?"

She nodded, a now shy smile on her face as she was blushing, "That'd be nice."

'Relieved' couldn't begin to describe how he felt after finally doing something about his feelings for her. The same goes for the way she feels.

Maybe this was actually going to work out, after all.

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