Make The First Move - Andy Leo

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He paced behind the stage. Nervous. He could barely hear his own thoughts as the band behind the curtain played, drowning out anything else around him.

Was he going to ask her? There was only one song left after this one.

His hand was in his dark hair, the nerves getting to him. Having a crush on someone in a band he was on tour with was miserable at best. Seeing her every day but being unable to say much. He was shy around those he was fond of, and part of him was thankful that she seemed to oblivious to the obvious.

The other part of him wishes she was able to tell what he felt for her.

Make the first move.

That was something he always had trouble with. He never had the guts to do it.

He's never felt this strongly about anyone before.

He couldn't let this get to him right now. He wouldn't be on stage for about 2 hours yet, but feelings linger. He needed to be able to be his energetic self during performances.

"Thank you guys for being here this early in the night. I know we're the opening band, and most of you don't know us, but I hope we left a good impression tonight." she laughed lightly at her own statement, "We have one last song for you."

God, he loves her laugh. He loves the way she presents herself both on stage and off stage. The way she gets into it. The way her body moves as she sings; not in a pervy way, though.

This tour has been going on for two weeks now, with three weeks left. He's seen her in almost every form, appearance wise.

The way her hair is messy when she wakes up in the morning, wearing her glasses before she puts her contacts in and makeup on. She always wears a tour t-shirt of any of her favorite bands, always oversized, along with her flannel pajama pants. If he didn't know she had multiple of the same pants, he'd think she wore the same exact ones every day.

And the way she gets all dressed up when it's time to be on stage, in her own sense of fashion, with a unique taste in clothing and makeup. Sometimes, she even goes all out and puts different colored contacts in. Not realistic colors either; she likes to have fun with her stage looks.

And then everything in between those.

His thoughts were interrupted as he realized the last song had finished. She'd be coming off stage. His heart was racing. It was too late to try to make a quick escape so she wouldn't see him.

He saw her come behind the stage, some of her hairs sticking to her face with sweat after the half hour set.

Most people wouldn't think of that as attractive. But, especially as another vocalist, he thought it was sexy. It showed she gave all her effort in her passions.

He felt the heat rise to his face as she smiled at him and waved. He hoped she couldn't tell he was blushing. It was dark enough behind the stage's curtain, right?

He smiled shyly in return and waved, "You sounded great tonight."

She thanked him as she and her band headed back to their bus, ready to get cleaned up and into some fresh clothes.

Shaking his head, he thought to himself about the only four words he was able to say as he headed towards the dressing room in the venue, 'Really, Andy? That's all you had?'

- - -

The shower always felt the best right after a long performance. Being sweaty on stage was nice with the crowd reactions to the music, but it didn't feel good as soon as he was off stage. He was always the first to shower when he got back on the bus.

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