Chapter ~ 4

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Y/n POV:

It's so cool how I get to eat with my favorite K-pop boy band! And have one of them call me cute! But why is it so hot now?
y/n takes off her sweatshirt and reveals what she is wearing. And once she took off her sweatshirt all of Bts was staring at her and she felt awkward and blushed.
y/n: what is there something on my face?
Rm: no its just that you look really nice without your sweatshirt on.
Rm blushed as he was saying that and once he said that you blushed.
y/n: oh! Thanks
Rm: yea no problem
Jh: so y/n how has it been in Korea
y/n: It's actually really nice being here
Jh: That's nice to hear
y/n: yea, so how does it feel to be adored by the entire world?
Yoongi: it's nice but sometimes it can be a pain in the butt
y/n: oh well thats sad
Lenzo: ok let's eat
1 hour later
Rm: hey um Mr and Mrs.Martinez can i ask you something?
mr.Martinez: sure, what is it?
Rm: well i was wondering if maybe your daughter can stay with us. So she can get to know South Korea and when you guys are all settled in she can go back to your house. That's only if you want and only if she wants to stay with us for a while.
Rm: yea i think it would be a pretty good idea to me.
Yoongi: yea i think it would be fun too
Jm: yea! So Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, can she stay with us until you settle in? Pleeeease
Mr. Martinez: hmmm well that's up to y/n to decide. Y/n do you want to stay with these gentlemen? and we can put together your room then you can come back, if you want to.
WHAT IS GOING ON! One second I was just going to eat dinner with a group of people and now, BTS wants me to stay the night over at their house or stay until my family finishes moving in! This is crazy! Do they really think I would decline this AMAZING OFFER? Ok now i have to play it cool so they dont think im weird.
Y/n: yea sure, i would love to!
Dad: ok when we get home pack your things so you can stay with bts for awhile.
y/n: ok
After dinner you and your family got in the car and got inside. You can see Jimin looking at you and instead of looking at him back you decided to smile at him. After you smiled he smiled back and said
Jm: See you at our place!
y/n: see you there!
You started packing your things and put stuff like your computer, wallet, clothes, and things like that into your suitcase and bags. You happily went down stairs and saw your little brother waiting for you.
Tyler: hey sis
y/n: yea? What's up Ty?
Tyler: be careful, and if they do anything to you, call me, okay?
y/n: i'm going to be fine. They wont do anything, plus i'm pretty sure that they aren't capable of doing anything bad, sure they can be a little wild but nothing like I haven't dealt with.
Tyler: fine just call me when you get there.
y/n: ok i will
You heard a car honk at the front of your new house so you and your brother went outside to see what was happening, and you saw a black limo waiting outside of your house.
Tyler: Are you sure you want to go?
y/n: yep im sure!
Mom and dad: have fun we will see you in a few days!
y/n: bye mom! Bye dad! Bye Ty! Love you!
Tyler: bye! Love you too!
As you walk to the limo, the driver opens the door for you,
y/n: thank you!
When you got inside the limo you see Tae waiting for you.
Tae: Hey y/n! Like the limo?
y/n: yea! Definitely! This is so cool!
Tae: yep. Oh do you want to stop by the store and buy some chips?
y/n: definitely!
Tae: alright! Hey Mr. Lee can you stop by the gas station so we can get chips?
Mr. lee: Of course sir!
Mr. Lee stops at the gas station and you and tae get out to buy as much chips and soda you can get. You two were having fun. Then you see two teenagers looking at Taehyung. They looked pretty happy.
y/n: hey Taehyung.
Tae: yeah, what's up?
y/n: those girls seem to know who you are
Taehyung turns to see two girls with their phone out, and each had a bts hoodie.
Tae: oh hey! Are you guys fans?
Girls: yes we are huge fans is it ok if we have a picture with you?
Tae: definitely!
You watch taehyung take pictures with each of the girls and one of them looks at you with a curious face.
Girl1: hey TaeTae?
Tae: yes?
Girl1: who is that woman you are with?
Girl2: *GASP* is that your girlfriend??!!?!
Tae: what?! Oh no, she is just a friend of mine. Right y/n?
y/n: yeah definitely.
Girls: oh sorry!
y/n: it's ok.
Girls: well it was really nice to meet both of you!
y/n and Tae: nice to meet you too!
You and taehyung leave the gas station with bags of chips and soda.
y/n: so that's what it's like.
Tae: whats, what like?
y/n: you know getting recognized, even though I'm not famous. It was nice to see you be so nice to them.
Tae: it's always awesome to meet fans! They are awesome! They love you no matter what!
y/n: thats nice
Tae: yep anyway we should hurry up the others are waiting. Plus we have photoshoots to go to tomorrow.
y/n: alright let's go!
You and taehyung got to the biggest house you have ever seen
y/n: WOAH! This is your guys house!
Tae: yeah, you like it?
y/n: like it?! I love it! It's beautiful!
Tae: Well brace yourself because it gets better.
Jk's pov:
Jk: alright! So where is she going to sleep? She can sleep in my room.
Yoongi: what?! Why do you want her to sleep in YOUR room?
Jm: yeah how come?
They all looked at him with a curious face?
Jk: well i am the only one that has a bed AND a sofa in my room. So I think it's fair. So she can sleep in the bed and I can sleep on the sofa
Jin: it's her decision to choose all we have to do is wait until they get here... wait don't we have a guest room on the second floor?
Jh: yeah we do. She can sleep there can't she?
Dang it! I wanted her to sleep in my room so we could watch kdramas and stay up all night! That's not fair!
Rm: dang what's taking them so long?
Jin: don't know but make this place look amazing when she arrives!! Come on!
Jm: yes MOM
Jin: like i said you would be lucky to have a mother this handsome.
They all laughed and cleaned the house so when they arrived she would like the house.
Tae's pov
When we were getting the chips and drinks I saw some girls that looked like fans so I thought they were going to spread rumors about me and y/n . Until y/n told me if they were fans so I asked if they were and they asked for a picture so we took the picture and left to the house. I wonder what the guys are doing right now. Probably being idiots like usual.
JK's pov
The hyungs were cleaning while me and Jimin were just sitting while they were cleaning they wait for y/n and Tae
Jk and Jm: yes MOM
J-Hope: HAHA you guys got scold at
Jimin gives J-Hope a death glare
J-Hope: I'm sorry shorty
Jimin chases J-Hope around the whole dorm
Rm: leave Jimin alone J-Hope
Jin: HELP CLEAN NOW and good job Namjoon on cleaning😉
Rm: Thanks😏
Jh and maknaes: EWWWWW🤮
Yoongi: can you two stop flirting or like 1 second? You two are just shipped, you're not an actual couple.
Jin: you wish we were
Rm: ok THATS where I draw the line
They hear the door knobs move and the doors open to reveal that it's Taehyung and y/n.
Jm: Finally! What took you so long?
y/n: we were buying chips and soda
Jk: and it took you guys that long?
Tae: yeah, we ran into some fans when we were there
Yoongi: hey that doesn't matter ok. The thing that matters the most is, THE CHIPS, LETS EAT.
Jh: I could eat!
Rm: FOOD!!!!
While we were eating, I couldn't help but notice that y/n looked uncomfortable and it bothered me. I wanted to know what was wrong. You know what I'll improvise.
Jk: hey y/n, you wanna see the room you'll be staying in?
y/n: sure!
Jk: Want me to help you bring your bags up there?
y/n: sure! Thanks!
Jk brought y/n's bags up to the guest room.
Jk: Alright, here we are your room!
y/n: thanks! But you could have shown me the room after we finished eating though.
Jk: yea i know but for some reason you looked uncomfortable to me. You ok?
y/n: umm it's just...... that it's weird to be under the same roof as your favorite K-pop idol group like it's crazy! tell me how you would feel if you were me?
Jk: dont know ive never been in that situation but i hope you get used to that feeling
y/n: I hope I will
JH: Did someone hope because I'm your hope, your my hope I'm J-HOPE!!!!
Yoongi: BE QUIET J-HOPE!!!!!!
JH: SORRY HYUNG!!!! he's scary if you know what I mean
y/n: i can tell, haha
Jk: Anyway need help moving in?
y/n: nah i'm good i can handle this
Jk: are you sure?
y/n: yeah definitely, you can go hang out with the others, I got this.
Jk: ok then.😔
Jk went downstairs with the others to watch one of their favorite shows, ' The Office'
Yoongi: Sooooooooo Jungkook-ah
Jk: Yeah, what's up hyung?
Yoongi: looks like you've taken a liking to our new roommate huh?
Jk: NOOOOOO?!?!😳
Rm: looks like you have, why else would you say 'no' like that
Why do they always have to do this! Whenever I'm nice to one girl they think I like her. I mean well i guess i do like her, BUT ONLY A LITTLE BIT. And I can feel the other maknaes look at me with a death stare. It's like they are trying to tell me to say 'no I don't like her that way.'
Jm: hey JK can Tae and I talk to you for a second
Jk: sure I guess
Taehyung, jimin, and jk walk to the backyard and close the door. Little do they know y/n's window was opened.


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