Let's Communicate!

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Max's P.O.V

Agh, my head hurts..

I wake up inside a hospital bed this time. I look to my side to see Corrupt. I call him that because it's weird calling him Max. He had some weird contraption on his head. "Agh!" My head felt a sharp pain. I soon realized something felt heavy on my head. "A helmet?" I mumbled to myself.

"Enjoying your new hat?" Daniel came up close to my face. "AHHH! FUCK!" I accidentally slapped his face. "Ow! Don't you know how many hot babes could've kissed this face! Jeez!" He rubbed his half-red face. "W-what's going on?" I look around once more and saw a bunch of screens.

Agh, what's going on?

I look to see that corrupt woke up too. "Ah! Finally your awake Max!" He yawned and stretched out himself. "Morning papa! What's happening?"

"P-Papa?!" I was confused but they both ignored me. "I'm glad you both woke up around the same time, I'm gonna have to a lot of explaining.." Daniel put on a pair of glasses and pointed to a screen. "I took screenshots of your brains when I took you both through an MRI scaner." Two of the screenshots look like the same picture. "That's your test," he pointed to the one on the left picture. "And that's Max's test." Then he pointed to the right picture.

"Wait, which Max though?" Corrupt asked. Daniel thought about it. "Uhhhhh, yes! Whatever, but what I'm here to tell you is an important breakthrough in scince history!" He squealed and starting jumping up and down like a little girl.

"You and Max have can Communicate with eachother by trading thoughts! Which is why you might be hearing eachother's voices. Although, because of this I think this causes to have many side effects.."


"Ooh! Ooh! Like fainting and headaches?" Corrupt raised his hand. "Bingo! Problem is, that I have to conduct a series of tests to see how far you both can stay apart to still be able to communicate and how long can you communicate."

(Bold text= the other max's thoughts)

I don't have time for this shit.. one day I'm being threatened to have all the blood get sucked out from my body... and the next, I'm here sitting on a hospital bed as these two idiots blabber about some Bill Nye shit.

Now now Max, you don't want to say anything you'll regret. Sure I may be quote on quote "blabbering" with Daniel. But just know, this doesn't change anything,, you know you're stuck in here.

DATE: MAY 4, 2020

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