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Max's POV

I wake up on a cold concrete floor, and woke up to a headache. "Agh..." I grumbled.

What the fuck?

I hear footsteps. "Knock knock! Is Max still in there?" Daneil loomed over me on the ground. I rub on my eyes and stretch a bit to find myself in a room that looked like a basement. "W-What the hell?!" I try to get up, but only for Daniel's gloved, cold hand to grip on my sholder. "Ah Max," He snapped his neck and became closer. "How's my latest experiment treating you? Any headaches, vomiting, fever, or swelling?" Daniel was smiling. I look down on myself to see that I was covered in bandages.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!" I slapped his hand off of my shoulder and was ready to book it. "Ahhh max, you never learn.." He chaotically laughs, just like the villains in movies. I had so many emotions. I wanted to freeze. I wanted to slap the fucking shit out of him. I wanted to leave. No matter what, I had to do something. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING PSYCHO FREAK!"


As soon as we all saw the Mess Hall, everyone spread out around the abandoned camp. The missing signs of us posted on almost every tree.

Neil, Nikki, and I went out to search through our old tents. We began with my tent... Well, Max's and my tent. The idea of max made you tremble a bit. He was another reason of what drove you into insanity.

Max... You're gone, aren't you?

The tent was leaning but still was somewhat standing. The metal support frame of the tent was rusty and the tent itself was a bit moldy and had a bunch of stains and small rips all around it. But luckily many roots and plants helped hold the tent up. In fact, the overgrown plants was the only thing helping this abandoned camp stand up.

The inside pf the tent didn't smell bad. But it didn't smell good either. "Inisde of here kind of smells like a smelly smell. Like a smelly, smelly, smell. That honestly kind of smells...smelly." Nikki said as she had her face stuck around the tent, trying to find the source. "Well whatever it is, it fucking stinks, I'll be waiting outside.." Neil sassily left the tent.

"Ok! Be safe!" I was about to find some stuff until I noticed all of my stuff was gone. Everything except Max's stuff was still there.

What? Why is my stuff gone and Max's stuff isn't?

I began to go into a deep thought to myself as a I sat in Max's old bed.

If my stuff isn't here then who is most likely gonna want to take it? Oh wait! I've been gone for so many years, people must think I'm dead by now..

I feel something underneath me that kind of feels a bit uncomfortable. I get off and remove the blanket to reveal a cute stuffed teddy bear. A tag was on it. "M-mister Honey N-nuts?" I began to chuckle as I sit back onto of the bed.

What an adorable name!

"What's so funny Y/n?" I showed Nikki ted- I mean, Mr.Honeynuts by moving his right hand, mimicking it waving. "Hmm, no thanks, I'm into the REAL bears. He looks pretty cute though! It kind of looks familiar, I just don't know what though.." Nikki sat on the bed with me.

Huh, Mr.Honeynuts eh? Cute.

I hugged the the bear.

Hmm, but why in Max's bed? Was this Max's teddy bear?

Ah! I got it! My family took my stuff! I bet they think I'm dead from being gone for way to long!

I look back down to Max's stuff.

But why is Max's stuff here? His family would think he'd be dead by now too right?

I sat deep in thought as I dusted off Mr.Honeynuts. and sigh, still thinking.

Word count: 669
DATE: April 28th 2020

She's Mine💕- Purified Max X Reader X MaxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang