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Note: I hope this chapter finds you all safe and well. I think this will be the last chapter as I don't know how to continue, all that I wanted to see happen I've made that happen haha. So I will leave it here. Thank you for the time you all take out of your lives to read this despite the million mistakes I may have. Take care everyone, God bless you all. See you on the other side!

Third-person POV

Abir and Kunal found themselves confused. Their days were peaceful, Kuhu and Mishti didn't wake up every day wanting to rip each other's head off. Everything at the Rajvansh house was running smoothly. They both felt like it was an act again, just to keep the peace. It wasn't until the husbands witnessed their wives sitting together watching a cat video on Instagram, that they felt something was amiss.

"Bhai, can you please pinch me?", Kunal requested, unable to register that two were actually sitting together happily without their intervention.

"I think I need you to pinch me first", opening and reopening his eyes to make sure he wasn't in a dream.

They both approached them in confusion.

"When did this happen?", Abir curiously asked pointing to them sitting together.

Mishti and Kuhu shared a brief look before bursting into laughter.

"Why I didn't know I wasn't allowed to sit and laugh with my sister", Mishti inquired putting an arm around Kuhu.

"You know what, I think they're jealous Mishti, their bromance is being threatened", Kuhu teased.

"Oh hello! Nothing and I mean nothing can threaten the Rajvansh brothers, right Bhai? We are unmatchable", Kunal retorted

"Right! And anyway you guys are probably pretending like always. So I declare this as fake news!", Abir said ever so dramatically.

"I hate to break it to you, Mr. Rajvanshs, but this is real news. Kuhu and I have let bygones be bygones".

"Yup! And you know what, we have about 22 years' worth of things to discuss. So don't disturb us", she stated

"But.. how did this happen?", Abir said confused voicing Kunal's thoughts as well.

"I guess we realized we were both too focused on ourselves we didn't see each other. We talked it out and now we're bonding!", Mishti exclaimed excitedly.

Abir and Kunal shared a smile,

"So our plan worked after well!", Kunal said

"Don't get me started on your plan Kunal. It was probably the dumbest idea hashtag the worst idea in the world. Y'all could have talked to us instead? It was us talking that fixed everything, not fighting against goons for our stupid husbands and then getting stuck at a resort", Kuhu ranted.

"Okay, okay Kuhu, we admit our plan was a little odd but at least we gave you a topic to get you guys talking again!", Abir said trying to calm her down from exploding on them.

"Hmm", she said, "I guess we should thank them for at least trying", she said looking to Mishti.

"Thank you guys for trying but next time please have a normal conversation with us. That would suffice. I'm sure this was all Abir's idea anyway", she said looking at her Ajeeb Rajvansh

Abir made an in innocent face at Mishti, "All's well that ends well right?", he said looking to Kunal for help.

"Right! We both love you guys and we just wished you loved each other", he said with a puppy face and hand scratching his head by habit.

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