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Note: So I took some creative license and made stuff up that is not in the show itself don't mind please lol. Hope this was good.. I kinda wrote this at 4AM right now while procrastinating my research paper. Let me know what you think, bad and good things. Thank you. Let me know if y'all think I rush things too much because I feel like I do.

All from 3rd person POV because I realized this helps with getting all characters perspectives

Kuhu walked back into their room with a piece of cake in her hand. She saw that Kunal was sitting on the bed.

"Kunal!. Look what I got! I saved you the last piece from the chocolate cake Abir bro and I made. Hashtag what a good wife", She exclaimed with a huge wide grin on her face.

He turned his face and looked at her, "too good, almost to a point that I don't deserve you", he said still lost his thoughts.

"Kunal? Are you okay? I thought we had this conversation. We said we will work it out together, why are you still thinking like this? What has gotten you so guilty?", she asks leaning in front of where he was seated on the bed.

"I've been having nightmares Kuhu. Literal nightmares where I wake up in the middle of the night. Maybe it's the manhoos couch I don't know", he says almost letting out a chuckle, "but you're always in them Kuhu. I can vividly remember your face still in your bridal makeup and jewelry sitting on the floor of this room crying. And I just keep remembering all that I put you through in all those months and how I don't even deserve to even be in your life after that. I had called you so many disgusting things, insulting you left and right but you never left. You always stayed, even though not for me but for our families. You are so brave Kuhu", he stated resting his head on her head.

She was silently sobbing listening to his words cupping his face in her palms to give him some reassurance that she was there, with him.

He lifted his head and took her face in his hands as well, "You remember I had called you desperate for staying with me? For pretending to be a happy wife no matter how many times I insulted you? You were lying to your family about everything and still you managed to love my family like they were your own. The same family who's son betrayed you and treated you like trash. You didn't deserve any of that and I am so sorry that I waited so long to even express this to you. I guess I was ashamed and you know how bad I am with talking about feelings and whatnot. But I need to improve. I can't let you be in this relationship alone".

"For all that you did, I forgive you Kunal. I have accepted it as your moment of weakness and letting your ego and pain control you. If I took it personally I seriously wouldn't be sitting here with you. I have understood you and accepted it so please stop feeling guilty, I can't see you like this. If we want to see a future, you have to forgive yourself Kunal", Kuhu stated.

Kunal realized she has been on her knees for way too long and helped Kuhu sit up next to him on the bed.

She continued to speak taking his hand into hers, "Kunal, you're trying and that's what matters to me. And I am so happy that you're talking to me about this. A couple of days ago when you said to Abir bro and Mishti that they are not like us, half the time fighting and then the other half of the time covering up the fight, I literally felt like giving up. It was like everything was a joke to you. I didn't say anything because I talked myself out of it. I told myself no.. you were probably just joking to lighten the mood. And then there were many times after that I felt like I was in this alone, last night and then this morning at the resort. I am talking but you're not listening but now I feel like you've heard everything I have said but it just took a while to register", Kuhu said letting out a little laugh.

"You know how slow I am", Kunal chimed in earning a giggle from her end.

"It's okay, we are a work in progress", she almost whispered like it was their little secret with a huge smile on her face.

He took their intertwined hands and placed a kiss on her hand.

Abir walked back into the room to find Mishti stuffing her face with the chocolate cake.

"You know I helped make that! And you won't even share. Wow angry chorni", he said pretending to be hurt.

"Oh well Mr. Ajeeb Rajvansh, I finished all that you made. But since you know how to make it, why don't you make some more?", she teased.

"Ha ha ha, you think you're really funny?",

"Not think, I know I am very funny", she said with a grin.

He was happy to see her this way, making jokes and being normal. Even though he knew their situation was anything but normal. He had actually left her behind at the resort.

His face fell after the thought resurfaced in his mind.

Mishti noticed his sudden change in expression and stood up from the bed.

"Abir? You okay?", she said softly

"Why did I leave you there?", he thought out loud, "what if something happened to you? What would I have done? How could I just leave you there by yourself? What was I thinking? I don't even know if I was thinking", he started pacing back and forth, "maybe I lost my mind",

He was too busy talking everything out loud he missed Mishti's worried calls of "Abir".

"Maybe I let Ma get to my head that I couldn't even see you Mishti. I couldn't even see my love. What have I done? I almost lost you yet again, if something happened to you or if", he was still speaking when Mishti put both her hands on his face and made him face her.

"Abir, you're getting hysterical, please drink some water", she gave him a glass of water and settled him on the bed, "you sound like how I sounded when I broke that photo frame the day after the wedding. You haven't messed everything up if that's what you are thinking. It's okay. You were mad, you didn't know what to do so you did what you always do. You ran away. Abir, I shouldn't be called your wife if I don't understand you right?", she said wiping the fresh tears falling from his face.

"Don't cry Abir, I'm saying na it's okay.. I forgive you and in fact I am sorry for being so mad that I didn't come with you", she said trying to make him feel better.

"I should have never left you there by yourself", he said with a calmer voice this time, "I am truly sorry",

"I know you are. Please don't run away anymore Abir. I always used to have this fear inside me that everyone will leave me one day like my mummy papa left me but you came and you took that away. Please don't bring that fear back. If there's a problem, we will talk about it. I promise to listen this time and not walk away like I have been doing these past few days", she said holding her hand to her ear for a moment in apology for her storming out in the middle of a conversation.

"I never want you to feel like I will leave you, I would never want to be anywhere if it's not with you. You are my destination, Mishti. You are where I feel like I belong. I see you and I think I've made it. I am no longer the wanderer searching for his place, I've built my home with you. There is no more journey, there is no other destination. You are a feeling for me Angry Chorni", he said lovingly taking her into his arms for a hug. 

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