On the plane, everyone is sitting and looking over the case files. Penelope's face is up on the computer. "Do we know what connects the victims, Garcia?" Luke asks looking over the file still, "I'm still looking Newbie." (Y/N) snickers slightly at Garcia's name for Luke. "Were any of them married and employed?" Emily asks Garcia, "Samuel Dunn's wife, Alexa, was at work when her husband was taken and their nine-year-old son was home with the sitter. She's the one who called the police when her husband didn't come home later that night, but the report said that the police didn't receive a phone call and Samuel was a Firefighter, he left early the day he was taken. Melody Ramirez's husband Earl, was at his job, he's the Chief of Police for the New Orleans Police Department and Melody was on her way home from a local hospital where she worked as a Nurse, her husband said she was on her way back home to make dinner for their children who were coming in for a visit. Now Krystal Baker wasn't married at all, she was unemployed and Krystal didn't have custody of her son, her parents did." "Did any of the victims have a record?" Stephen asks and Penelope can be heard typing away on her keyboard before speaking, "Only Krystal Baker did, she was in and out of jail since she was 18 for Prostitution, and she just got out less than a month ago and if you ask me she was trying to get her life back on track." Garcia explains, "What else do we know about this case?" (Y/N) asks. "He holds them for two weeks before killing them. but with Krystal, he only held her for five days before he killed her, but our sweet little Tommy was killed only two days after he and his mother were taken." "So he takes the victims in broad daylight, nobody sees a thing, he holds them for two weeks while he tortures and rapes the women, but he kills Thomas Baker only two days after having taken him and his mother." (Y/N) says, upset and frustrated at this unsub. "It's clear he crosses state lines as well," Rossi says. "When we land, JJ, Luke, I want you to go to the latest crime scene. (Y/n), I want you two to set up at the Police Station. Stephen and Tara, I want you to go talk to the Dunn, Ramirez, and Baker families. Dave and I will go and talk to the M.E." Emily says giving the team orders for when they land.

They arrive at the Mobile County Police Department before they part ways. Emily walks up to the Chief, "I'm SSA Emily Prentiss, these are agents, Rossi, Lewis, Jareau, Alvez, Walker, and (Y/L/N)." "Thank you for coming Agents, I'm Alexandria Lopez." Emily shakes her hand, "Do you have a room set up for us?" Alexandria nods, "Yes it's just through these doors, it's a bit small though." Emily nods, "That's alright, thank you, Chief Lopez." Emily leads the team to the room, "Alright you all know what to do, so let's get to it." Emily looks at (Y/N), "If you need help setting up I'm sure Chief Lopez wouldn't mind lending you some hands. Also I want you to get the files they have about the previous 200 victims if they have them all." (Y/N) nods, "Alright will do Prentiss." With that Emily and the rest of the team leave, leaving (Y/N) to set up. Once (Y/N)'s done she goes to find Chief Lopez, "Excuse me, Officer Rose, I'm looking for Chief Lopez." The male officer points to a door, "Her Office." (Y/N) gives a curt nod and thanks and walks over to the door, she knocks on it. "Come in." (Y/N) pushes the door open and walks inside Chief Lopez's office, she's on the phone. (Y/N) waits until Chief Lopez is done. "Agent (Y/L/N), what can I do for you?" Chief Lopez asks as she looks up from just hanging up the phone. "Agent Prentiss would like all the case files you have on any murders similar to these." Chief Lopez nods, "Right away Agent (Y/L/N), I'll have some of my officers to get on that right now." (Y/N) nods, "Thank you, ma'am." With that (Y/N) goes back to the conference room.

A few moments later (Y/N) is taping more pictures to the board, "What does he do to those people?" A young officer, who looks to be in her early twenties asks. "You don't want to know, trust me." The young girl nods and leaves with a few other officers who brought the boxes into the room. (Y/N) sits down and starts grabbing files from one of the boxes, she opens it goes over it, and sighs. "I really wish Spencer were here right now..." (Y/N) whispers after going through the files for an hour the Chief pops her head in the door, "Excuse me Agent (Y/L/N), they've just discovered a new body." (Y/N) nods, "Thank you Chief, I'll call Agent Prentiss." The Chief nods and closes the door. (Y/N) pulls out her phone and calls Emily, "Hey Prentiss, they just found another body, I'm going over loads of files and could use some help...Alright sounds good, thanks." (Y/N) hangs up and goes back to reading the files and comes across something she quickly calls Garcia and puts her on speaker. "Lady of wisdom and all things knowledge." "Hey Garcia, I've been trying to go through like 150 case files and I found something." "Hands at the ready!" "This woman survived, she managed to get away from the unsub, this wasn't mentioned to us at all!" "I'm patching the rest of the team through." (Y/N) nods, "Yeah they need to hear this." "Okay, everyone's here our sweet (Y/L/N) found an interesting discovery." "What'd you find (Y/n)?" Emily asks. "A woman from ten years ago, she survived and managed to escape." (Y/N) explains, "What's her name?" "Sandra Dennis." "Garcia." "Already on it, Prentiss," Garcia says typing. "I can't find anything recent on Sandra the last paper trail was from ten years ago...oh my gosh, Sandra gave birth to a child ten years ago." "The unsub got her pregnant before she got away." (Y/N) says. "Exactly right my dear sweet, (Y/N/N)." "Did she keep the baby?" JJ asks, "No, no she didn't. She hasn't even used a credit card in ten years, she's gone off the map." "Well if there's a paper trail you'll find it, Garcia." Emily says with a smile, "I will, I'll find her, I will call you when I have more!" Garcia hangs up with the rest of the team, "(Y/N), how are you?" (Y/N) sighs, "I could really use Spencer and his big beautiful brain, I'm not even up to fifty files yet. Hopefully, the team will get back shortly, a few extra eyes and hands would be amazing." "You'll get it done, you're amazing." With that, Penelope hangs up.

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