Scratch's Demise

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(This Imagine and Part two of it are ones I wrote for myself.)

The team was in the SUVs on their way to a location for Mr. Scratch when suddenly the SUV she's in hits something in the road and the SUV begins to spin before coming to a complete stop. Claire looks over at her brother Stephen when her eyes widen, the SUV is struck by an eighteen-wheeler and the SUV is slammed to the side, Claire's entire body jolts with the SUV before she blacks out, momentarily. Claire comes to with a slight ringing in her ears, she opens the door and gets out. Claire looks over to the other SUV, nobody's in it. Claire gets out to Penelope running over and rushes towards her. "What can I do? What can I do, how can I help?" Penelope asks, worriedly. Luke is helping JJ, "I can't see, I can't see." Luke, Penelope, and Claire look at JJ. "Alright, I see it, I see it, you got some broken glass in your scalp, JJ. Just hold this on there until the ambulance comes." Penelope looks up at the SUV Claire, JJ, Luke, and Stephen were in. "Stephen.." Penelope says gaining the attention of Luke and Claire. Penelope makes her way to the SUV, with Claire hot on her tail. "Stephen.." Penelope approaches the window crying with Claire.

Claire screams "No!" As tears begin to form in her eyes, Luke puts his arms around both girls comfortingly. "He's gone, He's gone," Luke says Penelope shakes her head, "I can't leave him alone like this." Claire shakes and looks at Penelope, both still crying, as Matt yells for Luke twice before he goes to him. Penelope looks at Claire who's still standing by the window of the SUV crying when they hear sirens both girls look up and Penelope starts to walk off, Claire looks at her brother "We're gonna get this bastard, I promise." Claire never curses unless she's really angry, which right now she's angry and hurting, she goes over to Rossi just as the police do. "The Spike Strips took out our two SUVs the truck blindsided us, we have six agents they're-" Rossi looks over pointing to the SUVs, and looks around, "Where's Emily?" Rossi asks and walks over to the two SUVs and Claire follows him, she's still crying.

The team all arrive at the hospital Tara, JJ, and Rossi are all being brought in on gurneys, and Claire rides in with JJ. Spencer sees JJ and goes to her. "Hey." "Spence." "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." Claire can't help but feel a little invisible at the moment but she knows that JJ is hurt and she isn't, she goes into the room with JJ and Reid. "I need to call Will," JJ says holding a towel to her head. "I did, I did, he's on the way," Spencer tells JJ, who nods then looks down then back up. "Monica. Stephen's wife someone needs to call her and tell them." Claire looks at JJ, "I'll call her and tell her, I think it's better to hear it from me." Luke walks into the room, "Rossi's refusing treatment until he speaks to us three." Spencer and Claire both look at JJ before they leave and go to Rossi's room, when they walk in Reid looks at Dave.

"What's going on?" Dave looks at the three, "Shut up and listen alright, first, you go through my pants pocket and find my keys." He looks at Luke then to Spencer, "Second, you, you're back on the team." "I'm not sure I should be, has the Director approved that?" "I'm making the calls now, I'll take the heat, you're back on the team." "Got 'em," Luke says showing Dave the keys. "There's a little one there to a file cabinet in my office, you following me." Luke nods, "Yeah, fine." "Inside there's Chicago Bears Season Tickets when you get them you call Matt Simmons, I promised him those tickets." Dave says wincing, Luke looks at Spencer and Claire, "They must have given him something in the ambulance to make him loopy."
"I'll get the doctor to get him in surgery." Spencer says and turns to leave, "Just shut up you two, and listen, now Emily is missing and Stephen is dead. As for you two ass-clowns, you'll do me the courtesy of following my orders." Claire bites the inside of her cheek, Luke looks at Rossi. "Your orders aren't making sense." "Follow my orders and then I'll go into surgery," Rossi says as Luke, Spencer, and Claire look at him before walking out of the room.

Spencer Reid Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن