8 | The Voice of Temptation

Start from the beginning

"Are you angry even at small things and you want to break them?" I asked approaching the dinner table while brushing my hair with my fingers. He stopped and looked at me, his dark green eyes on my body.

"Hey! Are you a bodyguard or a pervert?" I snapped my fingers at him and gestured for him to look me in the eye.

"Your bodyguard. I'm just surprised you look good on my shirt and you fit on my boxer shorts perfectly." He spoke before turning his back on me.

"Wha-I'm not that fat!" I pouted, pulling back the wooden chair harshly so I can sit. I had to sit down or else I'm going to lounge at him and claw his eyes out.

"No woman is fat. It's just in the mind and it's not right to tell any woman they are fat or thin."

"Ah! So you're one of those men who say, 'All women are beautiful'." I spoke and imitated the voice of a man and he chuckled placing the bowl of salad in front of me.

"I am not one of those men." I raised a brow and leaned back on my seat.

"So what are you? A bodyguard who only does his job? Listens to people and moves only when ordered? Who are you really?" I crossed my arms together and tilted my head. His eyes shot through me, his eyes dark and mysterious like there's a mask on his to hide whatever he has. Placing his hands on the table, he leaned towards me and smiled. I mashed my lips together feeling his intense gaze burning right through me.

"I am a man of my words and I am who I am. I am not like any other man. And I am not only a bodyguard, sotnos. I do a lot of things. Don't discriminate." He smirked once more before turning his back on me.

"And when I say all women are beautiful, physically yes." He continued while he moved around his kitchen with ease. Damn but I was glad that he has his back on me coz I cannot stop staring at those muscles of his. He's got a good body. I wet my lips and shook my head. I had to remind myself he was my bodyguard and not some easy boy I can fuck and leave the next day.

"But..." I asked and he faced me holding a plate of grilled sweet potatoes and placed it in the middle of the table.

"But if I can describe women as a whole with their mind, body and soul, I can say women can be ugly and beautiful. But physically, yes, all women are beautiful." I hummed my reply at his opinion, agreeing with what he was saying but not saying it out loud.

"No more questions, Emerald. Let's eat. You must be starving."

"Yep!" I clapped my hands together and rubbed them, prepared for what he cooked for dinner.

"I hope your stay here has been relaxing you."

"Very. Thanks for offering your cabin. I needed a break." He chuckled at what I said.

"No shit." Then, he gave me a plate of grilled steak which I gladly took.

"I hope you like it. It's medium rare."

"Yep. I'm a medium rare kinda girl." I smiled and grabbed the knife and fork resting on the table. He just nodded and grabbed his own plate and went to sit at the opposite side of me. He offered the plate of grilled potatoes and I took a small portion of it as I remembered I had to watch my weight.

"You on a diet?" He asked as he took a large portion of it.

"No but I have to watch my weight. I am not gifted with fast metabolism."

"Then exercise."

"Nope. I don't do that." He shook his head and took a bite of his food.

"You depend your weight on diet? That's not really good, you know."

"Well, I'm too lazy to get my ass in the gym." And the last time I went there with Caralei, I couldn't focus with all the men surrounding us.

"I can help you with that."

"We need to be in the gym tho. I don't want to go in there."


"Nothing. I just don't want to." I replied before slicing my steak into smaller portions and ate.

"Well, is it the gym itself or you don't want people to watch you workout?" He pointed his fork at me and I sighed. He won't let this issue go down, isn't he?

"I don't like people watching me." I kept the part to myself of me unable to focus because of the men in the gym.

"What if we can workout with just us two? Would you like that?"

"Why are you doing this, Axel? For all I know, you're my bodyguard and not my damn life instructor or some shit." He sighed and stabbed the sweet potato with his fork.

"Emerald, I told you. I am not only a bodyguard and is it wrong to give advice and help you out? You are not as healthy as you think you are. You fainted twice on me now and with the royal family giving you the job as their crown designer, you need to be stronger. Trust me, you won't get hurt. I'll only make you stronger and healthier. It's for your own good."

"The last time someone told me that, I ended up having a sore body and I couldn't walk properly for a day." I sighed and pouted, thinking of the time Caralei acted like a damn gym instructor and put me through a shitty workout.

"Coz you were not used to it."

"I swear if you and Caralei would meet, you'll be friends with her in a sec." He chuckled and smiled, feeling satisfied with my answer.

"So you're going with me? I promise, it will be better for you to exercise and not depend on diet to stay in shape." I knew he can sense that I was convinced with what he was saying and the fact that he had this boyish smile on him wasn't helping me convince myself not to go with him.


"Good. Now eat as much as you want. I don't want you passing out on me at the first day of workout."

"We're going to exercise tomorrow? Already?!"

"You are going put the gems together on the crown tomorrow, right?"


"And you have your schedule free att 3 PM, right?"

"Yes, but putting the pieces together takes a lot of work." I whined and he shot me a look.

"No more complaints, Emerald. Tomorrow, you're not only going to care about your reputation and your business anymore. Tomorrow, you're going to care for you body too and in a good way. Once I'm done with you, you will be healthy and fit. Plus, you need your image to be good with the public. We don't like you pale, thin and sickly on the day of the public crown presentation announcement, do we?" His eyes were on me again and they were irresistible as hell. I broke my gaze and looked down on my half- eaten steak.

"Fine." I caved in and his deep hum made me clench my fists together. I swear to God, even his voice was sexy and tempting me to sin.

"Good. Now eat." Demanding son of a bitch.

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think of Axel and Emerald? Want more action from them? ;) Thank you for the support, everyone. Please don't forget to vote and share this story. Love you all!


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