Meghan's brows lift and she literally smirks at me. "Yours? Are you sure about that big guy?"

"What?" Fuck. Did I say that? I did. I stare at Meghan. "Christ." Extracting a wad of cash from my pocket I snag a passing waitress. "For my bill. Keep the change." Then I stalk out, Meghan hot on my heels as I slam through the club doors into the humid night air. She grabs my arm and I turn on her.

"JD, Del is a mess. Whatever you think you're doing, it isn't doing her any favors."

I want to punch someone. Lots of someones. Instead I poke a finger at Meghan. "You have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Keep her out of clubs and away from assholes. Do anything else on girls' night out."

"Right. Keep away from assholes. You included?" Her hands are on her hips now, as I glare back at her.

"Probably." I stomp off to my car and peel out of the parking lot.


Back at my bare-bones, boring, Delilah-less apartment I slam open a cabinet and pull out a bottle of whiskey, which I then pour a generous amount of into a water glass. Why waste time refilling? I'm gonna drink more than I should anyway.

Jesus, I wish John were here. He's the only one I could talk to about this mess. That makes me laugh. Right. If John were here there'd be no mess. He'd be home fucking his gorgeous wife, and I'd be out happily hooking up with chicks like Jana. Hell, I've gotten more action from my hand in the last two years than any actual pussy.

How the hell did this happen? I finally decided to give the thing with Jana another try. I'd even talked myself into the possibility of hitting the sheets with her if she was game. In fact, the date was going quite well. I was about to kiss her and work on that seduction plan when the hairs on the back of my neck went haywire. The same sensation I'd get just before action on a mission.

The second I laid eyes on Delilah across the room was a gut-punch. I was stunned by how fucking beautiful she looked in that moment. Screwed. I am so screwed.

My phone rings. A quick glance tells me it's barely ten-thirty. I hesitate to answer, wondering what I'll say if it's Delilah. It isn't.

"Yeah, Neil?"

"Nice greeting. Having a spectacular night? Did I interrupt any good headboard banging?" He snickers. Good thing he's not here or I'd punch his face.

"The furthest thing from it. What's up?"

"We got a client we gotta roll on. Need you here at five."

"As in a.m.?"

"The very same. Bring your go-bag. Dress for fun and bring extra panties. You might be out for a day or three."

"Hell, Neil. Not now. I'm dealing with a situation." I hate to turn him down.

He grunts and takes a deep breath. "I thought you swore you were unencumbered. Do you need to amend that? Cuz I got a stack of papers in need of stapling and filing."

"Jesus. The worst fucking timing," I grumble. "Okay, fine. Five."

"See you in a few hours honey buns. Rest up." He sing-songs before abruptly ending the call.

I swallow the rest of the whiskey in one gulp, and slam the glass onto the table. I have to talk to Delilah before I leave. I'm sure she's not asleep given what went down tonight. I hit her contact info and it rings several times until it connects. I start talking before she answers.

"Delilah, I..."

"Hey, it's Delilah. I'm busy arranging flowers, ordering flowers, or doing laundry. Leave a message and I'll check in with ya later. Ciao!"

Delilah's TearsWhere stories live. Discover now