Ch. 2: Azur Lane Visit

Start from the beginning

???3: Girls!, Stand down!

We turned to see Enterprise.

The shipgirls stood down. And the Harbor gates opened.

Y/n: Well that was quick. 

We entered to see A lot of eyes at us. What shocked them is that Enterprise ran towards us with a scared face.

Enterprise: *scared* I'm sorry about this!

Y/n: Nah, Should've expected it, Besides, Unknown Flag.

???: You!

I turned my head to see Queen Elizabeth, Kinda Small though.

???: Come with me.

I followed her to a place that looks like a Meeting area.

Meeting Area

Being surround by A bunch of Shipgirls is kinda Uncomfortable.

A/n: Your Talking in a British Accent

???: So who are you?

Y/n: The Name's Y/n, Or As Enterprise calls me, Project Storm.

Tohka: And i'm Tohka, A part of Project Storm.

???: Wait?, Your Project Storm?, As in the Naval Legend.

That was Essex's voice

Y/n: In the Flesh, Or Steel.

Tohka:*chuckles* Oh you.

Warspite: What's so Special about you anyway? 

Y/n: Well, Come with me and I'll show you.

I ran towards the Harbor


Y/n: Since you asked what's so 'special' about me. Why not take a Look at my Ship.

As Hundreds of Wisdom cubes came out of the sky and it hastely formed Yamato on the Center of the Base and Tohka did the same with Musashi. I can tell a lot of eyes are Wide as Dinner plates and mouths on the floor.

Shipgirls POV

They felt that they were Outclassed and Outgunned from 30 to 1. A ship of Monstrous Proportions can annihilate them in seconds.

Back to Y/n

Hood spoke up.

Hood: Enterprise said the Cannons are 1.5x bigger than Bismarcks, But i didn't expect to be 'that' big.

Y/n: Yamato-Class Nuclear Battleships. 4 triple Barreled 46cm or 18inch Cannons, High Explosive Shells that can level this Base within A few Salvos from mine and Tohka's. Armor Piercing that can penetrate a Bismarck Class with ease. 16 Double barrel State of the Art AA guns. 64, Tohka's 56, Tomahawk Missle Launchers, Missle are as Explosive as my Shellings. And 6 CIWS Phalanx as an All purpose Gun.

Belfast: Sir, May i, All purpose what?

Y/n: Can shoot at Incredible speeds that can shoot down Dozens of Aircraft, Missles, Torpedos in Seconds. Useful is you ask me.

Cleveland spoke up.

Cleveland: Mister, Nuclear?

Y/n: Oh that. I run on Nuclear powered Engines, So, I don't use Oil. And It lasts a Decade before i cool and repair it.

Queen Elizabeth: Why not join Azur Lane?!, Destroy Crimson Axis.

Y/n: That is why i'm here. Me and Tohka will visit Both bases and they have to impress us, If either one do, We will join them. Right now, I'll consider Azur Lane thanks to Safety precautions. But first, Belfast and Enterprise, Come with me real quick. Tohka, You can wander if you want.

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