Chapter 1

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The ache in my bones woke me from my sleep and the strays of sunlight coming in to the room hit my closed eyelids, making it almost impossible to fall back asleep. But as the sound of the village reached my ears through the open window my eyes snapped open and I quickly, and quietly pulled on the clothes on the old wooden chair beside the ancient old shelf on the other side of the tiny room. With my clothes on I hasty made my way out of the little room I called my own and started to take out three pieces of bread and four of meat as well as three wooden glasses that I could pour the milk into. With light feet I placed the food on three separate plates and poured the milk before placing them all down at the wooden table in the kitchen. When the sound of heavy footsteps inside the house reached my ears I gulped down the saliva in my mouth and dashed towards my room so that I could grab a hold of my self-made bow and arrows as well as the small dagger I had traded myself to. Well equipped I rolled my brown fabric covered shoulders and pushed the window in my room open wide before stepping out.

I ran with my knees bended so that I could blend in with the seeds on the farming land and it was only when I was behind the old and big farm that I let my tense muscles relax slightly as I straightened up from my hunched position and continued my way towards the now fully awakened town of Carvahall. It was only when I had entered the town’s center that I let myself fully relax and pull down the hood that was covering my face. A smile spread on my lips, despite the wound decorating my lower lip, as my brown eyes landed on the big stone figure crafted by the Stronghammar family. The statue represented everything this town had gone through and it also represented a man that almost everyone in Alagaësia respected, Eragon rider of Saphira.

“Jennifer!” I was brought out of my daydreaming as I heard my name being called and when I turned around I spotted flying red hair and locked eyes with brown eyes that belonged to non other than Lilly, the beauty of Carvahall and my best friend. I grinned at her and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her before taking a step back to let her Great Pyrenees press his big head against my outstretched hand. A giggle left my lips as his big and wet tongue licked my fingers. “Hey Lilly, and Snow.” I greeted, my hand that was covered in dog slobber running through said dogs white fur. Lilly let out a gasp before her soft hand took a hold of my shin and tilted my head up so that she could take a better look at my busted lip as well as the slight bruise under my left eye. “This has gone to far Jennifer! I will not endure this anymore!” She cried out, her light brown eyes shining with unshed tears as she took in the state of my face as well as the visible skin on my neck. My eyebrows frowned up in confusion my as she wrapped her hand around my wrist and dragged me after her they shot up on surprise. I tried to yank my wrist out of her grip but with my energy running low from not eating since the day before yesterday it was a failed attempt. “Lilly! Where are you taking me?” I cried out, my eyes widening as she continued to march towards the more decorated part of the village. When Lilly ignored my question I clenched my yaw tightly and let my dark brown eyes take in the surrounding people as they smiled at the two of us, well used to this by now.

When my eyes landed on the all too familiar house I stopped mid-step and pressed my heels into the ground, refusing to go any further than I already had. Lilly tugged at my arm and turned around when I wouldn’t move. As her brown eyes took in my face her eyes softened and she stepped towards me, wrapping her arms around me before she took a step backwards to smile at me. “Please cat, you look like you’re about to fall asleep on your feet.” She said softly and I couldn’t help but to smile at the familiar nickname that she had given me the first time we meet. I gave in when I saw the worry shining through her eyes and with a sigh I nodded before following after her. She still had her left hand wrapped around my right wrist as she greeted people as they passed us.

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