Part 1

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Ji Won finally arrived in her apartment after a very long day of photoshoots for a makeup line. She was beyond exhausted that she fell asleep right away in her couch.

She woke up with a throbbing headache and an upset stomach probably because she haven't eaten dinner yet. She slowly sit up from the couch and checked the time on her phone, it was already 6:30 in the morning. She exasperatedly groaned due to the fact that she overslept and didn't even get to shower last night. As she was about to stand up, she felt dizzy and her vision became blurry. She sat back down and closed her eyes hoping the throbbing in her head would stop. As she was rubbing her temples, she was overcome by a sudden wave of nausea that she sped off into her kitchen sink and threw up vigorously until she felt like there was nothing left inside her stomach. She quickly washed it away and splashed water into her face.

"What did I eat last night?" She thought to herself.

It must be the coffee. That's the last thing she had yesterday, but she's feeling nauseous all week, maybe she has a flu? She shrug it all off and took a shower to refresh her body and mind.

Today is her day off, she was glad she got a day all to herself. She planned on spending it alone in her cozy apartment where she doesn't have to dress up and behave properly. After taking a shower, she rummaged through her fridge in her robe and took everything edible as if she haven't had food for a year probably because she threw it all up. She sat down on her couch and placed all the food she made on her coffee table, then she turned on her television to watch the daily news like she always does.

"Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young is confirmed to play the lead roles of What's Wrong With Secretary Kim..."

Ji Won suddenly stopped eating as she focused on the news she just heard. She is so happy for Seo Joon, she knows Seo Joon worked really hard to be where he is right now and she knows this new drama will be a hit because of him. She hurriedly grabbed her phone and was about to dial Seo Joon, wait, maybe she should just text him? She went through her messages and look for her conversation with him. Their last conversation was last month, maybe they were too busy with their own lives that they forgot about each other.

"Psh, it's not like we're a couple!" She laughed to herself

But what if there was something special going on between them but they couldn't commit to each other because they aren't allowed to? Geez, all these questions going through her head is making her feel nauseous again.

She turned off her phone and blankly stared on the television. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when a very loud period pad commercial came on. She suddenly felt weird about the commercial, she feels as if there is something wrong... and then she remembered,

She haven't had her period for two months!!! This is not something she should be worried about right? Sometimes, this happen naturally. She can't be pregnant, she only did it once... or twice but it never happened again... right? And as if out of nowhere she remembered a fan gave her a pregnancy test kit jokingly during one of her dramas' press conference last month.

Ji Won is the type of person who keeps all her fans' gifts because she thought that some of it maybe useful someday... and that someday is today.

She ran through her closet where all of it was kept and rummaged through her things until she found a box with "APRIL 2018" on it. She grabbed it and the pregnancy test was the first thing she saw. She was hesitant at first because there is no way she could be pregnant. She feels fine... or at least that's what she's trying to tell herself.

There are three pregnancy test kits, if it's negative, she could save the other two for future use... if it's positive, there are two more for confirmation.

She did exactly what the instructions says and now she just has to wait for three minutes. She set the timer on her phone to three minutes and waited...

When the timer stopped she grabbed the test kit with trembling hand and....

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