Kara Allen!

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Barry and Kara walked into the big belly burger. Kara held onto his hand and looked around. Barry smiled and asked "do you want to sit in here and eat or do you want to take the food over to Joe's". Kara asked "can we take it over to Joe's". Barry smiled and said "ok, Kara". They stood in the queue and once they finally got to the front, Barry ordered the food and played for it. He took the bag of food and walked with Kara outside. Kara giggled as Barry lifted her up onto his shoulders. Barry smiled and said "it's quite a far walk from here, I don't want you getting tired". Kara smiled and said "I won't, please don't drop me". Barry chuckled and said "I won't Kar, I promise". Kara smiled more. 

They got to Joe's house in no time. Barry lifted Kara down and ruffled her hair making her smile more. Barry opened the door and said "Joe I hope you don't mind that we came early". Joe said "of course not Bar, come in". Barry and Kara walked into the house. Barry shut the door and walked into the living room with Kara. Kara ran over to Joe and hugged him. She said "hi Joe". Joe chuckled and said "hey Kara, I like the glasses". Kara said "Barry made them to help me with my X-Ray vision". Joe smiled and said "well They make you look adorable". Kara giggled and sat on the couch. Barry handed her a burger and some chips/fries. Barry said "I got you lunch too Joe". Joe smiled and said "thanks Bar". Barry smiled and handed Joe his food and then Barry sat beside Kara with his.Barry

Barry took the rubbish and headed to the kitchen to put it in the bin. He then returned to the living room and sat next to Kara again. Kara smiled and said "burgers are so delicious". Barry chuckled and said "yeah They are". Kara smiled and said "earth food is so good, it's tastier than kryptonian food". Barry smiled and asked "really".  Kara nodded and said "yeah". Barry smiled more and said "well I'm glad you like it". Kara said "me too". Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Joe said "it must be Cecile, I'll get it". Barry nodded. Joe answered the door and said "hey Cecile, come in". Cecile said "it's good to see you Joe". Joe smiled and shut the door after Cecile entered the house. Barry smiled and said "hi Cecile". Cecile said "hey Barry, it's been a little while, and who is this". Barry smiled and said "this is Kara". Cecile smiled and said "how long have you been looking after her for". Barry said "since yesterday morning". Joe said "if you need anything, I'll be upstairs". Cecile said "thanks Joe". Cecile sat down and took out a bunch of documents to fill in. She said "this may take a while but if we get through it fast, I can get it handed in today and you will be Kara's guardian legally". Barry smiled and nodded. Kara smiled at Barry a little.

Within a couple of hours, everything was sorted. Cecile smiled and said "that should be it". Barry smiled and said "thanks for the help Cecile". Cecile smiled and said "you are welcome Barry, it's a really nice thing you are doing for Kara, well take care you two". Barry smiled and gave Cecile a small hug. He said "thanks again". Cecile hugged back a little and said "anytime Barry, if you ever need help, just call". Barry smiled and said "will do". Cecile smiled and headed away after saying her goodbyes to Joe. Kara smiled and asked "does this mean that I'm Kara Allen now". Barry smiled and said "yeah, it does". Kara smiled more and hugged Barry. Barry hugged her again and said "how about we go home and watch some TV, I have a couple.of movies that I think you'll like". Kara asked "can we go for a run first". Barry said "yeah we can". Kara smiled more and said "thank you". Barry said "it's no problem Kar". Joe smiled and said "well I'll see you soon Bar, oh, Cisco says hi". Barry smiled and said "I should visit him soon, I'll call him tonight and see when we can hang out". Kara asked "who's Cisco". Barry said "a friend of mine that I haven't seen in a while, you'll like him". Kara nodded and smiled.

After Barry took Kara out for a run, He took her home and they sat and watched TV for a little while after changing into pyjamas. Through the second movie, Kara had fallen asleep. He smiled at her as she was snuggled into his side. He removed her glasses and put them down on the coffee table but he didn't move. He wrapped his arm around her and relaxed. He then took out his phone and called Cisco. Cisco picked up instantly. He asked "Barry". Barry said "hey Cisco". Cisco said "dude it's been a while". Barry said "yeah it has been, how have you been". Cisco said "oh you know, it's been fun, working on tech to help the police catch meta humans". Barry chuckled and said "yeah" . Cisco asked "how are you doing, Joe tells me that you are adopting a little girl". Barry smiled at Kara who was sleeping peacefully. He said "yeah, her name is Kara". Cisco asked "what's it like". Barry smiled and said "I love it, I mean Kara is an amazing little girl, She is so sweet and brave considering what she has been through". Cisco said "well you are similar minus the sweet part". Barry chuckled and said "yeah". Cisco asked "have you seen Caitlin recently". Barry said "I haven't seen her since that day the singularity happened". Cisco said "me too, I've been busy and she has too, we've spoken on the phone but that's about it". Barry nodded and said "we should hang out at some point". Cisco said "yeah we should, I'm off next Tuesday so we can then". Barry said "sure, I'm thinking of going to see Cait soon, but I've been really busy lately". Cisco said "She'll understand". Barry nodded and said "ok, I should go put Kara to bed, I'll see you on Tuesday". Cisco said "bye Barry, see you soon". Barry said "bye" then hung up on the phone. Barry smiled at Kara and gently lifted her up. He walked through to the bedroom and put her under the covers in her bed. He kissed her forehead and watched as a smile appeared on her face. He then headed through to his bedroom and climbed under covers and quickly fell asleep.

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