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just so this is clear: a little boy who fucks an older girl CAN get her preggo. a little girl who fucks an older guy CANNOT.


"oh shit, man. can you guys leave the room? i need to talk to zach and jonah alone.", monty said.

sebb didn't expect it. monty was being a dad for the first time and to sebb it was really fucking hot. the older of the two ushered jack, daniel and corbyn out. he was going downstairs to make dinner, emotional night or not, they had to eat. but, back to the others.

monty pulled zach into his lap while he sat next to jonah.

"first, i'm gonna address the zach thing. jonah, if you were raped it's not your fault. hell, you were like 6, if you weren't it wasn't your fault."

"i know but, zach deserves a real dad. not a brother. and, my mom's not a bad person."

"jonah, i had a mom like that too. she didn't try to touch me but, she did to my brother. she hit us and left us for drugs. you can't change where you started but, you can change where you go. by staying out of trouble, you can be a great dad to zach."

by this time, it seemed zach had gone to sleep from all of his crying.

"here.", monty put zach on jonah's lap, "be a dad."

"hey, wait, i like your watch."

"no, you cannot steal it, stupid."

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